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BSI TS 1:2000:2001 Edition


Issue 5.0 of the TickIT Guide

Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
BSI 2001 223
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Re-engineered to align with BS EN ISO 9001:2000, new improved clause-by-clause guidance for software developers. Unique linking to ISO/IEC 12207 processes. The Issue 5.0 TickIT Guide contains a great many examples of good quality management practice which can benefit all software developing organizations and set them firmly on the path to excellence. For those organizations wishing to have their quality management systems certificated to ISO 9001 and TickIT, the issue 5.0 TickIT Guide is the authoritative source of guidance. The TickIT Guide also provides valuable support to software organizations seeking to improve their software processes and meet ISO 9001:2000 requirements for continual improvement.

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15 1 The origins of TickIT
1.1 Background
1.2 Software needs
2 The TickIT infrastructure
2.1 Key relationships
2.2 Ownership – the role of DISC and the TickIT Industry Committee
2.3 Overseeing auditor registration
16 2.4 Swedish organization and representation
2.5 Development of guidance material
2.6 Wider liaisons
2.7 Internationalization and related quality management systems standards
17 3 The scope of TickIT
3.1 Source of definitions
3.1.1 Software product or service development
3.1.2 Internal software development
3.1.3 Software replication
19 4.2 Certification
20 4.3 Certification scope
21 4.4 Types of audit
4.4.1 First party audit
4.4.2 Second party audit
4.4.3 Third party audit
4.4.4 Third party certification audit
4.5 Register of certificated companies
5 The TickIT Uniform Accreditation Arrangements
22 5.1 Certification cycle
5.2 Use of TickIT Auditors
5.3 Use of the TickIT name and logo
5.4 Use of TickIT guidance documentation
5.5 Mutual recognition of accredited TickIT certification
23 5.6 TickIT outside the mainstream software sector
5.6.1 Dependency on software
5.6.2 Supplier notification and audit procedure
5.6.3 Deployment of TickIT Auditors for audits outside the mainstream software sector
5.6.4 Surveillance frequency
5.7 The impact of the TickIT procedures
6 Costs and benefits of certification
6.1 Identifying costs
6.2 Cost sources for suppliers
24 6.2.1 Internal costs
6.2.2 Audit costs
6.3 Benefits of using a quality management system and certification
6.3.1 Quality management system – areas of cost benefit
6.3.2 The benefits of audit-based assessment and certification
25 6.3.3 Benefits to the customer
6.4 Distribution of costs and benefits
6.5 Maximizing the benefit from TickIT
6.5.1 Quality management system objectives
6.5.2 Aligning the quality management system with business needs
6.5.3 Characteristics of a good quality management system
26 6.5.4 Business-related process improvement
7 TickIT related to other software quality initiatives
7.1 The TickIT approach
7.2 Software process capability assessment and process improvement methods
7.2.1 General considerations
7.2.2 Capability models
7.2.3 CMMSM for Software
27 7.2.4 BOOTSTRAP
7.2.5 ISO/IEC TR 15504 Process Assessment and the SPICE project
28 7.2.6 Process capability assessment in perspective
7.2.7 ISO/IEC 12207
7.3 Total Quality Management
8 TickIT in the wider business context
8.1 Applicability of TickIT to small organizations
29 8.2 In-house developers
8.3 Mixing TickIT and non-TickIT areas for certification
30 9 TickIT service improvement and complaints
9.1 DISC’s role in the management of TickIT
9.2 Certification bodies
9.3 The accreditation authority
9.4 IRCA
9.5 DISC TickIT Office
10 References
33 1 Introduction
1.1 Useful standards
1.2 Market considerations
1.3 Customers in the context of software processes
34 1.4 Why software acquisition needs special attention
35 1.5 The need to address quality
1.6 Understanding project constraints
1.7 The relevance of TickIT and software standards to customers
1.7.1 ISO 9001:2000 and ISO 9000-3 (when updated)
1.7.2 ISO/IEC 12207
2 Quality management system concepts
36 2.1 What is a quality management system?
2.2 Quality management
37 2.3 Quality improvement
2.3.1 Process improvement
3 Quality and the customer – supplier relationship
3.1 Checking suppliers’ capability
3.1.1 Confirming suppliers’ ISO 9001 status
3.1.2 Supplier capability determination
38 3.2 Supplier/customer contracts
3.3 Project quality plans
39 3.4 The customer role
40 3.4.1 Management responsibilities for quality
3.4.2 Identifying and controlling risk
3.4.3 Quality goals and monitoring achievement
3.5 Quality characteristics of software products
4 Key customer processes
41 4.1 Pre-contract activities
4.1.1 Initiation of acquisition process
4.1.2 Request-for-proposal preparation
4.1.3 Contract preparation and update
4.2 Customers’ involvement in the supply and development processes
4.2.1 Requirements elicitation
42 4.2.2 Supplier monitoring
43 4.2.3 Acceptance and completion
45 4.3 Customers’ involvement in the operation process
4.3.1 User support and training
4.4 Customers’ involvement in the maintenance process
4.4.1 Defect analysis and resolution
4.4.2 Modifications
46 4.4.3 Migration
4.4.4 Software retirement
5 Other sources of customer guidance
6 References
49 1 Introduction
1.1 Orientation
1.2 Non ISO software development standards and improvement methods
2 Defining and developing a software-related quality management system
2.1 Rationale
50 2.2 Business objectives
51 2.3 Setting up a quality management system
2.3.1 The role of top management
52 2.3.2 The role of staff
53 2.3.3 The quality management system development programme
2.3.4 Creating an organization for quality
54 2.3.5 Designing the quality management system
56 2.3.6 ‘Electronic’ or on-line quality management systems
57 2.3.7 Using external consultants
2.4 Essential elements of software quality management
2.4.1 Quality plans
59 2.4.2 The software development life cycle
60 2.4.3 Quality control and quality assurance
2.5 Maintaining and improving the quality management system
2.5.1 Pressures for improvement
61 2.5.2 Process capability
2.5.3 Measuring performance
2.5.4 Phasing
62 2.5.5 Pacing issues
3 Guidance notes for specific organizations, system types and approaches
3.1 Implications for in-house organizations
3.1.1 Identifying objectives
63 3.1.2 Formalizing customer relationships
3.1.3 Deciding on the approach to maintenance and support
3.2 Software-related service provision
3.2.1 Bureau and facilities management
64 3.2.2 Disaster recovery
65 3.2.3 Software consultancies
3.3 Safety-related systems
66 3.4 E-commerce
3.5 Specific software development methods and standards
3.5.1 Prototyping methods including the Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM)
67 3.5.2 Object-oriented methods
3.5.3 Formal methods
68 3.6 Integration of software tools
3.7 Incorporating previously developed software – ‘re-use’
4 References
71 1 Introduction
1.1 Purpose
1.2 Scope of audits
1.3 Compliance with the Standard
2 Guidance for preparatory activities
72 2.1 Review of the documented quality management system
2.1.1 Documentation review
2.1.2 Quality planning
73 2.1.3 Process descriptions
2.1.4 Detailed specialized instructions
74 2.2 Planning the audit visit
2.2.1 Inputs to audit planning
2.2.2 Macro planning
2.2.3 Sampling planning
3 Guidance for audit activities
3.1 Quality policy sampling
75 3.2 Sampling options for project work
3.3 Checking competence
3.4 Use of terminology
3.5 Checking customer requirements
3.6 Control of documents and records
76 3.7 Grading audit findings
3.8 Getting buy-in on findings
4 Software-producing organization’s activities
4.1 Software product or service development
77 4.2 Internal software development
4.3 Software replication
4.4 Software-related services
4.5 Facilities management
4.6 Computer operations services
4.7 Systems integration services
78 4.8 Peripheral services
4.9 Subcontracting
5 References
82 1 Introduction
2 References to other parts of the TickIT Guide, International Standards and other documents
3 Terms and definitions
83 4 Quality management system
4.1 General requirements
85 4.2 Documentation requirements
4.2.1 General
86 4.2.2 Quality manual
4.2.3 Control of documents
88 4.2.4 Control of records
89 5 Management responsibility
5.1 Management commitment
5.2 Customer focus
90 5.3 Quality policy
91 5.4 Planning
5.4.1 Quality objectives
93 5.4.2 Quality management system planning
94 5.5 Responsibility, authority and communication
5.5.1 Responsibility and authority
95 5.5.2 Management representative
5.5.3 Internal communication
96 5.6 Management review
5.6.1 General
5.6.2 Review input
5.6.3 Review output
97 6 Resource management
6.1 Provision of resources
98 6.2 Human resources
6.2.1 Generl
6.2.2 Competence, awareness and training
99 6.3 Infrastructure
100 6.4 Work environment
7 Product realization
7.1 Planning of product realization
103 7.2 Customer-related processes
7.2.1 Determination of requirements related to the product
104 7.2.2 Review of requirements related to product
106 7.2.3 Customer communication
107 7.3 Design and development
7.3.1 Design and development planning
109 7.3.2 Design and development inputs
110 7.3.3 Design and development outputs
111 7.3.4 Design and development review
113 7.3.5 Design and development verification
115 7.3.6 Design and development validation
117 7.3.7 Control of design and development changes
119 7.4 Purchasing
7.4.1 Purchasing process
120 7.4.2 Purchasing information
121 7.4.3 Verification of purchased product
122 7.5 Production and service provision
7.5.1 Control of production and service provision
124 7.5.2 Validation of processes for production and service provision
125 7.5.3 Identification and traceability
7.5.4 Customer property
127 7.5.5 Preservation of product
129 7.6 Control of monitoring and measuring devices
130 8 Measurement, analysis and improvement
8.1 General
132 8.2 Monitoring and measurement
8.2.1 Customer satisfaction
133 8.2.2 Internal audit
8.2.3 Monitoring and measurement of processes
134 8.2.4 Monitoring and measurement of product
135 8.3 Control of nonconforming product
137 8.4 Analysis of data
138 8.5 Improvement
8.5.1 Continual improvement
139 8.5.2 Corrective action
141 8.5.3 Preventive action
144 1 Introduction
145 2 Purpose and scope of ISO/IEC 12207:1995
3 Amendments and changes to ISO/IEC 12207
4 Interpreting quality management system requirements
147 5 Software quality management system requirements – primary life cycle processes
5.1 Acquisition
149 5.2 Supply
151 5.3 Development
5.3.1 Starting development
152 5.3.2 Defining system requirements
153 5.3.3 Software design
155 5.3.4 Software code, integration and test
156 5.3.5 System integration and test
157 5.3.6 Delivery/installation/acceptance
158 5.4 Operation
159 5.5 Maintenance
160 6 Software quality management system requirements – supporting life cycle processes
6.1 Documentation
161 6.2 Configuration management
162 6.3 Quality assurance
164 6.4 Verification
166 6.5 Validation
167 6.6 Joint review
169 6.7 Audit
170 6.8 Problem resolution
171 7 Software quality management system requirements – organizational life cycle processes
7.1.1 Organization management
173 7.1.2 Project management
175 7.1.3 Quality management
7.1.4 Risk management
176 7.1.5 Organizational alignment
177 7.1.6 Measurement
178 7.1.7 Re-use
179 7.2 Infrastructure
180 7.3 Improvement
181 7.4 Human resource management
184 1 Overview
1.1 Background to the development of ISO/IEC TR 15504
2 Introduction to process establishment
2.1 What is a process?
185 2.2 Process attributes
2.3 Establishing a process library
2.4 Approaches to defining capability
3 Introduction to process management
186 3.1 Investigation of the current process(es)
187 3.2 Preparing improvements
3.3 Limits of assessment data
4 Process assessment
4.1 What is an assessment?
189 5 The future
6 References
192 1 The Model
2 Case Study – Oracle Support Services
2.1 Background
193 2.2 Project phases
2.3 ‘Being the Best’ programme
2.4 Leadership
194 2.5 Management of processes
195 2.6 Postscript
198 1 Overview
1.1 The process dimension
1.2 The capability dimension
199 2 The case study
2.1 Initial briefing
2.2 The assessment team
2.3 Further preparations
200 2.4 Identifying key processes
2.5 Performing the assessment
201 2.6 Gap analysis
2.7 Presentation of results
3 Follow-up
3.1 Improvement actions
202 3.2 Feedback of reactions to the assessment team
203 3.3 Lessons for future assessments
4 Benefits to BT
206 1 CMM-SWSM
207 2 Case study – Reuters worldwide
2.1 Rationale
2.2 Foundations of the CMM approach
208 2.3 Tailored Level 3 approach
2.4 CMM induced improvements
209 2.5 The future
3 References
212 1 International and European standards
1.1 Definitions
1.2 Quality management systems standards
1.3 Quality management and quality system elements
1.4 Guidelines for auditing quality systems
1.5 Quality assurance requirements for measuring equipment
1.6 General criteria for certification bodies
1.7 Life cycle management
1.8 Support of life cycle processes
213 1.9 Tools and environment
1.10 Evaluation and metrics
1.11 Other definitions and guidance
2 National standards and publicly available specifications
2.1 British standards
2.2 ANSI/IEEE standards
2.3 Australian standards
2.4 Publicly available specifications and standards
214 2.5 Safety-related specifications and standards
3 Further information and procurement sources for standards
3.1 British Standards Institution
3.2 Swedish Standards Institute
3.3 Agencies
BSI TS 1:2000