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BS ISO/IEC 13249-3:2011


Information technology. Database languages. SQL multimedia and application packages – Spatial

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BSI 2011 762
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17 1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions, notations, and conventions
3.1 Terms and definitions
3.1.1 Terms and definitions provided in ISO/IEC 13249-1
3.1.2 Terms and definitions provided in this part of ISO/IEC 13249
23 3.1.3 Terms and definitions taken from ISO 19107
24 3.1.4 Terms and definitions taken from ISO 19111
3.2 Notations
3.2.1 Notations provided in ISO/IEC 13249-1
3.2.2 Notations provided in this part of ISO/IEC 13249
25 3.3 Conventions
26 4 Concepts
4.1 Concepts provided in Part 1
4.2 Geometry Types
4.2.1 ST_Geometry Methods on ST_Geometry
28 Functions on ST_Geometry Ordering on ST_Geometry
29 SQL Transforms on ST_Geometry Casts on ST_Geometry
30 Use of Z and M coordinate values
31 Measures on ST_Geometry Empty Sets Geometry values without m coordinate values. 0-dimensional geometry values
32 1-dimensional geometry value
33 2-dimensional geometry value
4.2.2 Spatial Relationships using ST_Geometry The Dimensionally Extended 9 Intersection Model
34 Common Spatial Relationships based on the DE-9IM
35 Spatial Methods using ST_Geometry
37 GML Support for ST_Geometry
38 4.2.3 ST_Point Methods on ST_Point Functions on ST_Point
4.2.4 ST_Curve Methods on ST_Curve
39 4.2.5 ST_LineString Methods on ST_LineString Functions on ST_LineString
4.2.6 ST_CircularString
40 Methods on ST_CircularString Functions on ST_CircularString
4.2.7 ST_CompoundCurve Methods on ST_CompoundCurve Functions on ST_CompoundCurve
41 4.2.8 ST_Surface Methods on ST_Surface
4.2.9 ST_CurvePolygon Methods on ST_CurvePolygon
42 Functions on ST_CurvePolygon
4.2.10 ST_Polygon Methods on ST_Polygon Functions on ST_Polygon
43 4.2.11 ST_Triangle Methods on ST_Triangle Functions on ST_Triangle
4.2.12 ST_PolyhdrlSurface Methods on ST_PolyhdrlSurface Functions on ST_PolyhdrlSurface
44 4.2.13 ST_TIN Methods on ST_TIN Functions on ST_TIN
4.2.14 ST_GeomCollection Methods on ST_GeomCollection
45 Functions on ST_GeomCollection
4.2.15 ST_MultiPoint Methods on ST_MultiPoint Functions on ST_MultiPoint
4.2.16 ST_MultiCurve Methods on ST_MultiCurve
46 Functions on ST_MultiCurve
4.2.17 ST_MultiLineString Methods on ST_MultiLineString Functions on ST_MultiLineString
4.2.18 ST_MultiSurface Methods on ST_MultiSurface
47 Functions on ST_MultiSurface
4.2.19 ST_MultiPolygon Methods on ST_MultiPolygon Functions on ST_MultiPolygon
48 4.3 Topology-Geometry
4.3.1 .ST_NODE Routines on .ST_NODE only
49 4.3.2 .ST_EDGE Routines on .ST_EDGE only
50 Routines on .ST_NODE and .ST_EDGE
51 4.3.3 .ST_FACE Routines on .ST_EDGE and .ST_FACE
53 Routines on .ST_NODE, .ST_EDGE and .ST_FACE
54 4.4 Topology-Network
4.4.1 .ST_NODE Routines on .ST_NODE only
4.4.2 .ST_LINK Routines on .ST_LINK only
55 Routines on .ST_NODE and .ST_LINK
57 4.5 General Routines
4.5.1 ST_ShortestUndPath Function
4.5.2 ST_ShortestDirPath Function
58 4.6 Spatial Reference System Type
4.6.1 ST_SpatialRefSys Methods on ST_SpatialRefSys Ordering on ST_SpatialRefSys SQL Transforms on ST_SpatialRefSys
4.7 Angle and Direction Types
4.7.1 ST_Angle Methods on ST_Angle
59 Ordering on ST_Angle SQL Transforms on ST_Angle
4.7.2 ST_Direction Methods on ST_Direction
60 Ordering on ST_Direction SQL Transforms on ST_Direction
4.8 Support Types
4.8.1 ST_TINElement Methods on ST_TINElement
61 4.9 Support Routines
4.9.1 ST_Geometry ARRAY Support Routines Support Functions Supporting Procedures Supporting Cast Functions
62 4.10 Tables with columns using geometry types
4.11 The Spatial Information Schema
63 5 Geometry Types
5.1 ST_Geometry Type and Routines
5.1.1 ST_Geometry Type
75 5.1.2 ST_Dimension Method
76 5.1.3 ST_CoordDim Method
77 5.1.4 ST_GeometryType Method
79 5.1.5 ST_SRID Methods
80 5.1.6 ST_Transform Method
81 5.1.7 ST_IsEmpty Method
82 5.1.8 ST_IsSimple Method
83 5.1.9 ST_3DIsSimple Method
84 5.1.10 ST_IsValid Method
85 5.1.11 ST_Is3D Method
86 5.1.12 ST_IsMeasured Method
87 5.1.13 ST_LocateAlong Method
88 5.1.14 ST_3DLocateAlong Method
89 5.1.15 ST_LocateBetween Method
91 5.1.16 ST_3DLocateBetween Method
93 5.1.17 ST_Boundary Method
94 5.1.18 ST_3DBoundary Method
95 5.1.19 ST_Envelope Method
96 5.1.20 ST_ConvexHull Method
97 5.1.21 ST_Buffer Methods
99 5.1.22 ST_Intersection Method
100 5.1.23 ST_3DIntersection Method
101 5.1.24 ST_Union Method
102 5.1.25 ST_3DUnion Method
103 5.1.26 ST_Difference Method
104 5.1.27 ST_3DDifference Method
105 5.1.28 ST_SymDifference Method
106 5.1.29 ST_3DSymDifference Method
107 5.1.30 Return Types from ST_Intersection, ST_Union, ST_Difference, and ST_SymDifference
110 5.1.31 Return Types from ST_3DIntersection, ST_3DUnion, ST_3DDifference, and ST_3DSymDifference
111 5.1.32 ST_Distance Methods
113 5.1.33 ST_3DDistance Methods
115 5.1.34 ST_Equals Method
116 5.1.35 ST_3DEquals Method
117 5.1.36 ST_Relate Method
121 5.1.37 ST_Disjoint Method
122 5.1.38 ST_3DDisjoint Method
123 5.1.39 ST_Intersects Method
124 5.1.40 ST_3DIntersects Method
125 5.1.41 ST_Touches Method
126 5.1.42 ST_Crosses Method
127 5.1.43 ST_Within Method
128 5.1.44 ST_Contains Method
129 5.1.45 ST_Overlaps Method
130 5.1.46 Cast
142 5.1.47 ST_WKTToSQL Method
143 5.1.48 ST_AsText Method
144 5.1.49 ST_WKBToSQL Method
145 5.1.50 ST_AsBinary Method
146 5.1.51 ST_GMLToSQL Method
148 5.1.52 ST_AsGML Method
149 5.1.53 ST_GeomFromText Functions
150 5.1.54 ST_GeomFromWKB Functions
151 5.1.55 ST_GeomFromGML Functions
153 5.1.56 ST_Geometry Ordering Definition
154 5.1.57 SQL Transform Functions
155 5.1.58
167 5.1.59
198 6 Point Types
6.1 ST_Point Type and Routines
6.1.1 ST_Point Type
203 6.1.2 ST_Point Methods
210 6.1.3 ST_X Methods
211 6.1.4 ST_Y Methods
212 6.1.5 ST_Z Methods
213 6.1.6 ST_M Methods
214 6.1.7 ST_ExplicitPoint Method
215 6.1.8 ST_PointFromText Functions
216 6.1.9 ST_PointFromWKB Functions
217 6.1.10 ST_PointFromGML Functions
218 7 Curve Types
7.1 ST_Curve Type and Routines
7.1.1 ST_Curve Type
221 7.1.2 ST_Length Methods
223 7.1.3 ST_3DLength Methods
225 7.1.4 ST_StartPoint Method
226 7.1.5 ST_EndPoint Method
227 7.1.6 ST_IsClosed Method
228 7.1.7 ST_3DIsClosed Method
229 7.1.8 ST_IsRing Method
230 7.1.9 ST_3DIsRing Method
231 7.1.10 ST_CurveToLine Method
232 7.2 ST_LineString Type and Routines
7.2.1 ST_LineString Type
235 7.2.2 ST_LineString Methods
237 7.2.3 ST_Points Methods
239 7.2.4 ST_NumPoints Method
240 7.2.5 ST_PointN Method
241 7.2.6 ST_StartPoint Method
242 7.2.7 ST_EndPoint Method
243 7.2.8 ST_LineFromText Functions
244 7.2.9 ST_LineFromWKB Functions
245 7.2.10 ST_LineFromGML Functions
246 7.3 ST_CircularString Type and Routines
7.3.1 ST_CircularString Type
250 7.3.2 ST_CircularString Methods
252 7.3.3 ST_Points Methods
254 7.3.4 ST_NumPoints Method
255 7.3.5 ST_PointN Method
256 7.3.6 ST_MidPointRep Method
257 7.3.7 ST_StartPoint Method
258 7.3.8 ST_EndPoint Method
259 7.3.9 ST_CircularFromTxt Functions
260 7.3.10 ST_CircularFromWKB Functions
261 7.3.11 ST_CircularFromGML Functions
262 7.4 ST_CompoundCurve Type and Routines
7.4.1 ST_CompoundCurve Type
266 7.4.2 ST_CompoundCurve Methods
269 7.4.3 ST_Curves Methods
271 7.4.4 ST_NumCurves Method
272 7.4.5 ST_CurveN Method
273 7.4.6 ST_StartPoint Method
274 7.4.7 ST_EndPoint Method
275 7.4.8 ST_CompoundFromTxt Functions
276 7.4.9 ST_CompoundFromWKB Functions
277 7.4.10 ST_CompoundFromGML Functions
278 8 Surface Types
8.1 ST_Surface Type and Routines
8.1.1 ST_Surface Type
281 8.1.2 ST_Area Methods
283 8.1.3 ST_3DArea Methods
285 8.1.4 ST_Perimeter Methods
287 8.1.5 ST_3DPerimeter Methods
289 8.1.6 ST_Centroid Method
290 8.1.7 ST_3DCentroid Method
291 8.1.8 ST_PointOnSurface Method
292 8.1.9 ST_3DPointOnSurf Method
293 8.1.10 ST_IsWorld Method
294 8.2 ST_CurvePolygon Type and Routines
8.2.1 ST_CurvePolygon Type
298 8.2.2 ST_CurvePolygon Methods
301 8.2.3 ST_ExteriorRing Methods
303 8.2.4 ST_InteriorRings Methods
306 8.2.5 ST_NumInteriorRing Method
307 8.2.6 ST_InteriorRingN Method
308 8.2.7 ST_CurvePolyToPoly Method
309 8.2.8 ST_CPolyFromText Functions
310 8.2.9 ST_CPolyFromWKB Functions
311 8.2.10 ST_CPolyFromGML Functions
312 8.3 ST_Polygon Type and Routines
8.3.1 ST_Polygon Type
315 8.3.2 ST_Polygon Methods
318 8.3.3 ST_ExteriorRing Methods
319 8.3.4 ST_InteriorRings Methods
321 8.3.5 ST_InteriorRingN Method
322 8.3.6 ST_PolyFromText Functions
323 8.3.7 ST_PolyFromWKB Functions
324 8.3.8 ST_PolyFromGML Functions
325 8.3.9 ST_BdPolyFromText Functions
327 8.3.10 ST_BdPolyFromWKB Functions
329 8.4 ST_Triangle Type and Routines
8.4.1 ST_Triangle Type
333 8.4.2 ST_Triangle Methods
337 8.4.3 ST_Points Methods
338 8.4.4 ST_3DSlope Method
339 8.4.5 ST_ExteriorRing Methods
340 8.4.6 ST_InteriorRings Methods
341 8.4.7 ST_InteriorRingN Method
342 8.4.8 ST_TriFromText Functions
343 8.4.9 ST_TriFromWKB Functions
344 8.4.10 ST_TriFromGML Functions
345 8.5 ST_PolyhdrlSurface Type and Routines
8.5.1 ST_PolyhdrlSurface Type
349 8.5.2 ST_PolyhdrlSurface Methods
352 8.5.3 ST_Patches Methods
355 8.5.4 ST_NumPatches Method
356 8.5.5 ST_PatchN Method
357 8.5.6 ST_PhSFromText Functions
358 8.5.7 ST_PhSFromWKB Functions
359 8.5.8 ST_PhSFromGML Functions
360 8.6 ST_TIN Type and Routines
8.6.1 ST_TIN Type
365 8.6.2 ST_TIN Methods
369 8.6.3 ST_TINElements Methods
371 8.6.4 ST_MaxSideLength Methods
373 8.6.5 ST_TINTable Methods
389 8.6.6 ST_Clip Method
390 8.6.7 ST_Patches Methods
391 8.6.8 ST_TINFromText Functions
392 8.6.9 ST_TINFromWKB Functions
393 8.6.10 ST_TINFromGML Functions
394 9 Geometry Collection Types
9.1 ST_GeomCollection Type and Routines
9.1.1 ST_GeomCollection Type
398 9.1.2 ST_GeomCollection Methods
401 9.1.3 ST_Geometries Methods
403 9.1.4 ST_NumGeometries Method
404 9.1.5 ST_GeometryN Method
405 9.1.6 ST_GeomCollFromTxt Functions
406 9.1.7 ST_GeomCollFromWKB Functions
407 9.1.8 ST_GeomCollFromGML Functions
408 9.2 ST_MultiPoint Type and Routines
9.2.1 ST_MultiPoint Type
411 9.2.2 ST_MultiPoint Methods
413 9.2.3 ST_Geometries Methods
415 9.2.4 ST_MPointFromText Functions
416 9.2.5 ST_MPointFromWKB Functions
417 9.2.6 ST_MPointFromGML Functions
418 9.3 ST_MultiCurve Type and Routines
9.3.1 ST_MultiCurve Type
422 9.3.2 ST_MultiCurve Methods
424 9.3.3 ST_IsClosed Method
425 9.3.4 ST_3DIsClosed Method
426 9.3.5 ST_Length Methods
428 9.3.6 ST_3DLength Methods
430 9.3.7 ST_Geometries Methods
432 9.3.8 ST_MCurveFromText Functions
433 9.3.9 ST_MCurveFromWKB Functions
434 9.3.10 ST_MCurveFromGML Functions
435 9.4 ST_MultiLineString Type and Routines
9.4.1 ST_MultiLineString Type
438 9.4.2 ST_MultiLineString Methods
440 9.4.3 ST_Geometries Methods
442 9.4.4 ST_MLineFromText Functions
443 9.4.5 ST_MLineFromWKB Functions
444 9.4.6 ST_MLineFromGML Functions
445 9.5 ST_MultiSurface Type and Routines
9.5.1 ST_MultiSurface Type
449 9.5.2 ST_MultiSurface Methods
451 9.5.3 ST_Area Methods
453 9.5.4 ST_3DArea Methods
455 9.5.5 ST_Perimeter Methods
457 9.5.6 ST_3DPerimeter Methods
459 9.5.7 ST_Centroid Method
460 9.5.8 ST_3DCentroid Method
461 9.5.9 ST_PointOnSurface Method
462 9.5.10 ST_3DPointOnSurf Method
463 9.5.11 ST_Geometries Methods
465 9.5.12 ST_MSurfaceFromTxt Functions
466 9.5.13 ST_MSurfaceFromWKB Functions
467 9.5.14 ST_MSurfaceFromGML Functions
468 9.6 ST_MultiPolygon Type and Routines
9.6.1 ST_MultiPolygon Type
471 9.6.2 ST_MultiPolygon Methods
473 9.6.3 ST_Geometries Methods
475 9.6.4 ST_MPolyFromText Functions
476 9.6.5 ST_MPolyFromWKB Functions
477 9.6.6 ST_MPolyFromGML Functions
478 9.6.7 ST_BdMPolyFromText Functions
480 9.6.8 ST_BdMPolyFromWKB Functions
482 10 Topology-Geometry
10.1 Topo-Geo Topology Schema
10.1.1 Introduction
483 10.1.2 ST_NODE view
484 10.1.3 ST_EDGE view
485 10.1.4 ST_FACE view
486 10.2 Topo-Geo Definition Schema
10.2.1 Introduction
487 10.2.2 ST_NODE base table
488 10.2.3 ST_EDGE base table
490 10.2.4 ST_FACE base table
491 10.3 Topo-Geo Routines
10.3.1 ST_AddIsoNode Function
493 10.3.2 ST_MoveIsoNode Procedure
495 10.3.3 ST_RemIsoNode Procedure
496 10.3.4 ST_AddIsoEdge Function
498 10.3.5 ST_GetFaceEdges Function
499 10.3.6 ST_ChangeEdgeGeom Procedure
501 10.3.7 ST_RemIsoEdge Procedure
503 10.3.8 ST_NewEdgesSplit Function
505 10.3.9 ST_ModEdgeSplit Function
507 10.3.10 ST_NewEdgeHeal Function
510 10.3.11 ST_ModEdgeHeal Procedure
513 10.3.12 ST_AddEdgeNewFaces Function
516 10.3.13 ST_AddEdgeModFace Function
519 10.3.14 ST_RemEdgeNewFace Function
521 10.3.15 ST_RemEdgeModFace Procedure
523 10.3.16 ST_GetFaceGeometry Function
525 10.3.17 ST_InitTopoGeo Procedure
526 10.3.18 ST_CreateTopoGeo Procedure
529 10.3.19 ST_ValidateTopoGeo Function
533 11 Topology-Network
11.1 Topo-Net Network Schema
11.1.1 Introduction
534 11.1.2 ST_NODE view
535 11.1.3 ST_LINK view
536 11.2 Topo-Net Definition Schema
11.2.1 Introduction
537 11.2.2 ST_NODE base table
538 11.2.3 ST_LINK base table
539 11.3 Topo-Net Routines
11.3.1 ST_AddIsoNetNode Function
540 11.3.2 ST_MoveIsoNetNode Procedure
541 11.3.3 ST_RemIsoNetNode Procedure
542 11.3.4 ST_AddLink Function
544 11.3.5 ST_ChangeLinkGeom Procedure
546 11.3.6 ST_RemoveLink Procedure
547 11.3.7 ST_InitTopoNet Procedure
548 11.3.8 ST_NewLogLinkSplit Function
550 11.3.9 ST_ModLogLinkSplit Function
552 11.3.10 ST_NewGeoLinkSplit Function
554 11.3.11 ST_ModGeoLinkSplit Function
556 11.3.12 ST_NewLinkHeal Function
559 11.3.13 ST_ModLinkHeal Procedure
562 11.3.14 ST_LogiNetFromTGeo Procedure
564 11.3.15 ST_SpatNetFromTGeo Procedure
566 11.3.16 ST_SpatNetFromGeom Procedure
568 11.3.17 ST_ValidLogicalNet Function
570 11.3.18 ST_ValidSpatialNet Function
573 12 General Routines
12.1 Shortest Path Routines
12.1.1 ST_ShortestUndPath Function
576 12.1.2 ST_ShortestDirPath Function
579 13 Spatial Reference System Type
13.1 ST_SpatialRefSys Type and Routines
13.1.1 ST_SpatialRefSys Type
581 13.1.2 ST_SpatialRefSys Methods
582 13.1.3 ST_AsWKTSRS Method
583 13.1.4 ST_WKTSRSToSQL Method
584 13.1.5 ST_SRID Method
585 13.1.6 ST_Equals Method
586 13.1.7 ST_OrderingEquals Function
587 13.1.8 ST_WellKnownText SQL Transform Group
588 13.1.9
592 14 Angle and Direction Types
14.1 ST_Angle Type and Routines
14.1.1 ST_Angle Type
597 14.1.2 ST_Angle Methods
605 14.1.3 ST_Radians Methods
606 14.1.4 ST_Degrees Methods
607 14.1.5 ST_DegreeComponent Method
608 14.1.6 ST_MinuteComponent Method
609 14.1.7 ST_SecondComponent Method
610 14.1.8 ST_String Methods
612 14.1.9 ST_Gradians Methods
613 14.1.10 ST_Add Method
614 14.1.11 ST_Subtract Method
615 14.1.12 ST_Multiply Method
616 14.1.13 ST_Divide Method
617 14.1.14 ST_AsText Method
618 14.1.15 ST_Angle Ordering Definition
619 14.1.16 SQL Transform Functions
620 14.2 ST_Direction Type and Routines
14.2.1 ST_Direction Type
625 14.2.2 ST_Direction Methods
630 14.2.3 ST_Radians Method
631 14.2.4 ST_AngleNAzimuth Methods
632 14.2.5 ST_AsText Method
633 14.2.6 ST_RadianBearing Method
635 14.2.7 ST_DegreesBearing Method
637 14.2.8 ST_DMSBearing Method
639 14.2.9 ST_RadianNAzimuth Method
640 14.2.10 ST_DegreesNAzimuth Method
641 14.2.11 ST_DMSNAzimuth Method
642 14.2.12 ST_RadianSAzimuth Method
644 14.2.13 ST_DegreesSAzimuth Method
646 14.2.14 ST_DMSSAzimuth Method
648 14.2.15 ST_AddAngle Method
649 14.2.16 ST_SubtractAngle Method
650 14.2.17 ST_Direction Ordering Definition
651 14.2.18 SQL Transform Functions
652 15 Support Types
15.1 ST_TINElement Type and Routines
15.1.1 ST_TINElement Type
656 15.1.2 ST_TINElement Methods
659 15.1.3 ST_ElementType Methods
660 15.1.4 ST_ElementID Methods
661 15.1.5 ST_ElementTag Methods
662 15.1.6 ST_ElementGeometry Methods
665 15.1.7 ST_IsEmpty Method
666 16 Support Routines
16.1 ST_Geometry ARRAY Support Routines
16.1.1 ST_MaxDimension Function
668 16.1.2 ST_CheckSRID Function
669 16.1.3 ST_GetCoordDim Functions
671 16.1.4 ST_GetIs3D Function
672 16.1.5 ST_GetIsMeasured Function
673 16.1.6 ST_CheckNulls Procedure
674 16.1.7 ST_CheckConsecDups Procedure
675 16.1.8 ST_ToPointAry Cast Function
677 16.1.9 ST_ToCurveAry Cast Function
679 16.1.10 ST_ToLineStringAry Cast Function
681 16.1.11 ST_ToCircularAry Cast Function
683 16.1.12 ST_ToCompoundAry Cast Function
685 16.1.13 ST_ToSurfaceAry Cast Function
687 16.1.14 ST_ToCurvePolyAry Cast Function
689 16.1.15 ST_ToPolygonAry Cast Function
691 16.1.16 ST_ToTriangleAry Cast Function
693 16.1.17 ST_ToPolyhdrlAry Cast Function
695 16.1.18 ST_ToTINAry Cast Function
697 17 SQL/MM Spatial Information Schema
17.1 Introduction
700 17.4 ST_UNITS_OF_MEASURE view
701 17.5 ST_SIZINGS view
702 17.6 Short name views
703 18 SQL/MM Spatial Definition Schema
18.1 Introduction
704 18.2 ST_GEOMETRY_COLUMNS base table
707 18.4 ST_UNITS_OF_MEASURE base table
708 18.5 ST_SIZINGS base table
709 19 Status Codes
712 20 Conformance
20.1 Requirements for conformance
20.2 Features of ISO/IEC 9075 required for this part of ISO/IEC 13249
20.3 Claims of conformance
BS ISO/IEC 13249-3:2011