BS EN 14534:2016:2017 Edition
Postal services. Quality of service. Measurement of the transit time of end-to-end services for bulk mail
Published By | Publication Date | Number of Pages |
BSI | 2017 | 130 |
This European Standard specifies methods for measuring the end-to-end transit-time of domestic and cross-border bulk mail, collected, processed and delivered by postal service operators. It considers methods using representative end-to-end samples for all types of bulk-mail services with defined transit-time service-levels as offered to the postal customer. It specifies a set of minimum requirements for the design of a quality-of-service measurement system for bulk mail, involving the selection and distribution of test mail sent by business senders and received by selected panellists. This European Standard is applicable to the measurement of end-to-end priority and non-priority bulk-mail services. For the purpose of this standard, bulk mail services can include all types of addressed bulk mail including, but not limited to letter mail, direct mail, magazines and newspapers and encombrant-format mailings. This European Standard relates to the measurement of bulk-mail services offered to businesses that have pick-ups at their offices or give their mail to postal service operators. If a third party agent acts for the postal operator, then the time the mail is handed over to the agent will form part of the measurement. Where a third party agent acts for the sending customer, the measurement will be from the point when mail is handed over to the postal operator. This European Standard is of modular structure. It is designed to assess the service performance of postal operators for bulk mail services on the level of a single bulk mailing as defined by the postal customer or any aggregations thereof, including the performance of an individual customer / operator or the performance of a group of customers / operators or the performance at national level. The standardized QoS measurement-method provides a uniform way for measuring the end-to-end transit time of postal items. Using a standardized measurement-method will ensure that the measurement will be done in an objective and equal way for all operators in accordance with the requirements of the Directive 97/67/EC and its amendments. The end-to-end service measured may be provided by one operator or by a group of operators working either together in the same distribution chain or parallel in different distribution chains. The method for end-to-end measurement specified in this European Standard is not designed to provide results for the measurement of parts of the distribution chain. This standard does not include other service performance indicators than those related to end-to-end transit time. In particular, this standard does not measure whether the timings of collections meet customers’ requirements. The transit-time quality-of-service result will be expressed as percentage of mail delivered by, on or between expected dates. These dates can be defined absolute as calendar-days or relative to the date of induction. The transit time calculation rule will be in whole days. This quality of service indicator does not measure the postal operator’s overall performance in a way, which provides direct comparison of postal service operators. This European Standard nevertheless provides minimum requirements for the comparability of end-to-end transit-time measurement results of specific bulk mailings. This European Standard is not applicable for the measurement of end-to-end transit-times of single-piece mail services and hybrid mail, which require different measurement systems and methodologies (see, for example, EN 13850, Postal Services – Quality of Services – Measurement of the transit time of end-to-end services for single piece priority mail and first class mail. (…)
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PDF Pages | PDF Title |
7 | European foreword |
8 | Introduction |
10 | 1 Scope |
11 | 2 Normative references 3 Terms and definitions |
20 | 4 Symbols and abbreviations |
21 | 5 Transit time as a Quality-of-Service indicator 5.1 General 5.2 Transit time calculation 5.2.1 Measurement unit 5.2.2 Establishing the date of induction |
23 | Table 1 — One and Multi-Day Inductions 5.2.3 Calculation of the transit time |
24 | 6 Methodology 6.1 Representative sample design 6.2 Minimum Sample Size (MSS) 6.3 The design basis 6.3.1 General |
25 | 6.3.2 Choice of the design basis 6.3.3 Evaluation of the design basis Real mail evaluations Logistic / management data 6.4 Discriminant Mail Characteristics (DMC) 6.4.1 General |
26 | 6.4.2 DMC in aggregated fields of study |
27 | 6.4.3 Geographical stratification 6.5 Geographical distribution of the receiver panel |
28 | Table 2— Minimal number of postal areas to be covered 6.6 Creation of test mail 6.6.1 General |
29 | 6.6.2 Logistic structure of a bulk mailing 6.6.3 Separate production and manual inclusion methods General Test item production by the performance monitoring organization |
30 | Test item production by the sender Test item inclusion 6.6.4 Address seeding methods |
31 | 6.7 Documentation of date and time of posting 6.8 Integrity of the measurement |
33 | 7 Report 7.1 Measurement results 7.2 Service Performance Indicators 7.2.1 Available types of indicators 7.2.2 Accuracy |
34 | 7.3 Weighting of the results 7.3.1 Reasons for implementing a weighting system Weighting according to the sample design Weighting due to non-response and invalid test items 7.3.2 Weighting caps General |
35 | Weighting caps for each discriminant characteristic Weighting caps for each individual item 7.4 Content |
36 | 8 Quality control |
37 | 9 The Annexes |
38 | Annex A (normative) Accuracy calculation A.1 Scope A.1.1 General A.1.2 Two stage sampling approach A.1.3 Covariance / Stratification / Accuracy calculation |
39 | A.1.4 The design factor A.1.5 Single mailing versus continuous measurement A.2 Symbols |
40 | A.3 Variance calculation for one stratum A.3.1 General calculation method – Single Mailing and Induction Point Field of Study A.3.2 General calculation method – Aggregated Mailing / Induction Point Field of Study A.3.2.1 The Calculation method |
41 | A.3.2.2 Relation-to-total variation |
42 | A.3.2.3 Intra-relation variation A.4 Variance calculation for a stratified sample A.4.1 Variance of a weighted sample design |
43 | A.4.2 Final weight of the individual item A.4.3 Weighting basis |
44 | A.4.4 Combination of weighting and covariance A.5 Calculation of the confidence interval A.5.1 General |
45 | A.5.2 Normal approximation A.5.2.1 The Normal confidence interval A.5.2.2 Applicability of the Normal confidence interval |
46 | Table A.1 — Minimum number of non-performance items for the use of the Normal distribution A.5.3 Agresti-Coull approximation |
47 | A.5.4 Inverse Beta approximation |
48 | Annex B (normative) Transit Time Calculation B.1 Basic Principles B.2 The date of induction B.2.1 Determination |
49 | B.2.2 Examples B.3 The transit-time calculation rules B.3.1 Determination |
50 | B.3.2 Examples B.3.2.1 EXAMPLE: Five day working week with extra collection on Saturdays Table B.1 — Collection Monday-Saturday / Delivery Monday-Friday B.3.2.2 EXAMPLE: Fixed date of induction |
51 | Table B.2 — Collection in Week 1, Induction on Monday, delivery in Week 2 Thursday to Friday |
52 | Annex C (normative) Comparability of Measurement Results C.1 General C.1.1 Comparing dimensions |
53 | C.1.2 Preconditions for comparison C.1.3 Suggestions for comparison methods |
54 | C.2 Same service provider – Different measurement periods C.2.1 Scope C.2.2 Minimum Requirements |
55 | C.3 Different service providers – Same measurement period C.3.1 Scope C.3.2 Minimum Requirements |
56 | C.4 Cases of limited comparability |
58 | Annex D (normative) Design of aggregated Fields of Study D.1 General D.2 Possible types of aggregation D.2.1 Multi operator bulk mailing D.2.2 Bulk mail campaign D.2.3 Bulk mail customer |
59 | D.2.4 Bulk mail service provider D.2.5 Bulk mail service D.2.6 Group of customers D.2.7 Group of providers |
60 | D.2.8 Induction regions D.2.9 Universal service on national level D.3 Design requirements D.3.1 General D.3.2 Minimum sample size D.3.3 Design basis |
61 | D.3.4 Discriminant mail characteristics D.4 Reporting |
62 | Annex E (normative) Additional Requirements for continuous Fields of Study [CMS/SCMS] E.1 Scope E.2 Methodology E.2.1 Measurement period |
63 | E.2.2 Minimum Sample Size (MSS) E.2.2.1 Domestic measurement systems – priority mail Table E.1 — Minimum Sample Sizes for selected performance levels (Domestic) E.2.2.2 Domestic measurement systems – non-priority mail Table E.2 — Minimum Sample Sizes for selected performance levels (Cross-Border) |
64 | E.2.2.3 Cross-border measurement systems Table E.3 — Minimum Sample Sizes for selected performance levels (Cross-Border) E.2.3 The Design Basis |
65 | E.2.4 Discriminant Mail Characteristics E.2.4.1 Determination of the discriminant mail characteristics E.2.4.2 Geographical Stratification E.2.5 Geographical distribution of the receiver panel Table E.4 — Minimum number of postal areas to be covered in panels up to 90 panellists |
66 | E.2.6 Distribution of the business sender panel Table E.5 — Minimum percentage of study domains to be covered |
67 | E.3 Report E.3.1 Panel turnover in relation to accuracy E.3.2 Weighting E.3.3 Content and timing |
68 | E.4 Quality Control E.4.1 General E.4.2 Statistical design E.4.3 Address seeding E.4.4 Test mail production E.4.5 Sending test items |
69 | E.4.6 Receiving test items E.4.7 Data collection E.4.8 Data analysis and reporting E.5 Audit |
70 | Annex F (normative) Quality control F.1 Statistical design F.2 Address seeding F.2.1 Test item production F.2.2 Provision of receiver address-information to the bulk-mail customer F.3 Test mail production F.3.1 Test item production |
71 | F.3.2 Provision of test items to the bulk-mail customer F.4 Sending test items F.5 Receiving test items F.6 Data collection F.7 Data analysis and reporting |
72 | F.8 Archiving F.9 Quality control and Information Technology (IT) |
73 | Annex G (normative) Auditing G.1 General G.2 Audit of the design basis G.2.1 General G.2.2 Methodological audit |
74 | G.2.3 Results G.3 Audit of the Quality-of-Service measurement system G.3.1 Independence G.3.2 Panel audit G.3.3 Stability of the parameters G.3.4 Instructions given to the panellists G.3.5 General Audit of the system |
75 | Annex H (informative) Purpose of postal Quality of Service standards H.1 General H.2 Benefits of QoS standards |
76 | H.3 Application by potential users of EN 14534 H.3.1 Postal Operators |
77 | H.3.2 National Regulators |
78 | H.3.3 Bulk mail customers H.4 Detailed analysis H.5 Other / broader concepts H.5.1 General H.5.2 Technical registrations |
80 | Annex I (informative) Considerations before implementing EN 14534 I.1 Limitations of EN 14534 I.2 Design of the measurement system I.2.1 Design parameters |
82 | I.2.2 Field of study I.2.2.1 Domestic services (single induction) I.2.2.2 Domestic services (aggregated) I.2.2.3 Cross border services I.2.3 Coverage of existing bulk mail customers |
83 | I.2.4 Geographical coverage of the receiver panel |
84 | I.3 Measurement organization I.3.1 Role of the contractor I.3.2 Independence |
85 | I.3.3 Tender process |
86 | Annex J (informative) Design basis J.1 Discriminant characteristics J.1.1 Representativeness in a postal end-to-end network |
87 | J.1.2 Formats and weights J.1.3 Additional mail characteristics J.2 Studies for the evaluation of possible candidates J.2.1 Type and extent of the evaluation |
88 | J.2.2 A quick-check of significance Table J.1 — Quick-Check for Significance |
89 | J.3 Connection between Design Basis and Sample Design |
90 | J.4 Design basis J.4.1 Real mail studies for domestic mail J.4.1.1 General |
91 | Table J.2 — Possible real mail studies for exemplary Discriminant Mail Characteristics J.4.1.2 Documentation |
92 | J.4.1.3 Adequate representativeness J.4.2 Real mail studies for cross border mail J.4.3 Alternative design bases J.4.3.1 General |
93 | J.4.3.2 Alternative design bases: Proxies for existing real mail flows J.4.3.3 Requirements for the reporting J.5 Frequency of update [CMS/SCMS] |
94 | Annex K (informative) Implementing EN 14534 K.1 Stages of the survey K.1.1 Set-up and pilot K.1.1.1 Preparation K.1.1.2 Set-up K.1.1.3 Pilot (testing phase) K.1.1.4 Faster implementation |
95 | K.1.2 Measurement period K.1.2.1 Basic case K.1.2.2 Continuous measurement systems K.2 Representativeness K.2.1 Business Senders |
96 | K.2.2 Receiver Panellists K.3 Risk of panellist identification K.4 Induction and delivery K.4.1 Induction and last collection |
97 | K.4.2 Delivery and correct addressing |
98 | K.4.3 P.O. boxes and pick-up times K.5 Panel turnover |
99 | K.6 Validation and transit time calculation K.6.1 Data validation K.6.1.1 General K.6.1.2 Item-based validation |
100 | K.6.1.3 Panellist based validation |
101 | K.6.2 Service standard K.6.3 Transit-time calculation rule |
102 | K.6.4 Loss |
103 | K.7 Weighting K.7.1 Weighting and stratification K.7.1.1 General K.7.1.2 Real mail distribution and Real Mail Weights (RMW) |
104 | K.7.1.3 Weighting Basis (WB) and Calculated Mode Weights (CMW) K.7.1.4 Individual Final Weight (IFW) |
105 | K.7.1.5 Alternate formulation: Corrective factors |
106 | K.7.2 Illustrative example Table K.1 — RMW corresponding to the modes of the geographical characteristic Table K.2 — RMW corresponding to the modes of the discriminant characteristic MC Table K.3 — Number of valid items per stratum Table K.4 — Standard Weighting Basis Table K.5 — Alternative Weighting Basis |
107 | Table K.6 — Individual Final Weights (IFW) for the standard weighting basis in each stratum Table K.7 — Individual Final Weights (IFW) for the alternative weighting basis in each stratum Table K.8 — Sampling proportions per stratum Table K.9 — Corrective factors at the stratum level for the standard weighting basis |
108 | Table K.10 — Corrective factors at the stratum level for the alternative weighting basis K.7.3 Weighting caps K.7.3.1 Necessity for weighting caps Table K.11 — Example of sample with extreme deviation from the real-mail distribution Table K.12 — Corrective factors at the stratum level for the SWB in a case of major deviation K.7.3.2 Caps applied at the mode level |
109 | Table K.13 — Lower and upper bounds for the marginal sampling proportion of the modes of the geographical strata Table K.14 — Lower and upper bounds for the marginal proportion of the modes of the MC DMC |
110 | K.7.3.3 Caps at the item level K.8 Reporting of results K.8.1 Reporting |
111 | K.8.2 Archiving K.9 Audit [SCMS] K.9.1 General |
112 | K.9.2 The auditor K.9.2.1 Position of the auditor K.9.2.2 Selection of the auditor K.9.3 Audit report |
113 | K.9.4 Frequency of audit |
114 | Annex L (informative) Application of the accuracy calculation L.1 Limitations of the accuracy calculation methods provided L.2 Recommendations for the application of the rules L.2.1 Accuracy L.2.2 Unstratified end-to-end sample |
115 | L.2.3 Stratified simple random sample Table L.1 — Example of a stratified sample |
116 | L.2.4 Approximation of the Binomial distribution L.3 The sample size |
117 | L.4 General Example for a national yearly result L.4.1 The example Table L.2 — Mail-flow matrix from panellist S1-S4 to panellist R1+R2 |
118 | Table L.3 — Mail-flow matrix from panellist S1-S4 to panellist R3+R4 L.4.2 Design factor for an unstratified end-to-end sample |
119 | Table L.4 — Input parameters for the variance calculation |
120 | L.4.3 Design factor for a stratified random sample Table L.5 — Standard weighting basis Table L.6 — Simplified weighting basis Table L.7 — Corrective factors |
121 | Table L.8 — Variance of the stratified sample * 802 L.4.4 Accuracy calculation L.4.4.1 General L.4.4.2 Normal confidence interval |
122 | L.4.4.3 Alternative confidence intervals |
123 | Table L.9 — Comparison of confidence intervals L.5 Simplified scenarios L.5.1 Transit time results up to 96 % L.5.2 Fully proportional sample L.5.3 Induction / delivery point with only one letter |
124 | Annex M (informative) Changes to the 2003 version of EN 14534 M.1 Reasons for the review M.2 Increased applicability M.2.1 New focus M.2.1.1 The induction based measurement M.2.1.2 Aggregated and continuous measurement systems |
125 | M.2.2 New concepts for the date of induction M.2.3 New quality performance indicators M.3 Updated methodology M.3.1 Added assistance in the determination of the date of induction M.3.2 New methodological insights from EN 13850:2012 M.3.2.1 General M.3.2.2 Accuracy and Minimum Sample Size (MSS) |
126 | M.3.2.3 Transit-time calculation rule M.3.2.4 Improved applicability of the accuracy calculation method M.3.2.5 Reduced bias in the accuracy calculation |
127 | Bibliography |