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BS EN 13757-4:2019


Communication systems for meters – Wireless M-Bus communication

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BSI 2019 104
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This document specifies the requirements of parameters for the physical and the link layer for systems using radio to remotely read meters. The primary focus is to use the Short Range Device (SRD) unlicensed telemetry bands. The standard encompasses systems for walk-by, drive-by and fixed installations. As a broad definition, this European Standard can be applied to various application layers.

PDF Catalog

PDF Pages PDF Title
2 National foreword
7 European foreword
8 Introduction
9 1 Scope
2 Normative references
10 3 Terms and definitions
11 4 Abbreviations and symbols
4.1 Abbreviation
12 4.2 Symbols
5 General
5.1 Modes of operation
13 5.2 Meter communications types
15 5.3 Performance Classes
16 6 Mode S
6.1 Channel properties
6.2 Transmitter
17 6.3 Receiver
6.4 Data encoding and preamble
6.4.1 Data encoding
18 6.4.2 Order of transmission of the encoded data
6.4.3 Preamble and synchronization pattern
7 Mode T
7.1 Channel properties
7.2 Transmitter
19 7.3 Receiver (T2 only)
20 7.4 Data encoding and preamble
7.4.1 General
7.4.2 Meter transmit, “3 out of 6” data encoding
21 7.4.3 Other Device transmit, Manchester encoding
22 8 Mode R2
8.1 Channel properties
8.2 Transmitter
23 8.3 Receiver
8.4 Data encoding and preamble
8.4.1 Data encoding
8.4.2 Order of transmission of the encoded data
24 8.4.3 Preamble and synchronization pattern
9 Mode C
9.1 Channel properties
9.2 Transmitter
25 9.3 Receiver
26 9.4 Data encoding and preamble
9.4.1 Encoding
9.4.2 Preamble and synchronization pattern
10 Mode N
10.1 Channel properties
27 10.2 Physical link parameters
29 10.3 Receiver sensitivity
30 10.4 Data encoding and preamble
10.4.1 Encoding
10.4.2 Preamble and synchronization pattern
11 Mode F
11.1 Channel properties
31 11.2 Physical link parameters
11.3 Receiver sensitivity
32 11.4 Data encoding and preamble
11.4.1 Data Encoding
11.4.2 Preamble and synchronization pattern
12 Data Link Layer
12.1 General
33 12.2 Order of multi byte fields
12.3 Frame format A
12.4 Frame format B
34 12.5 Field definitions
12.5.1 General
12.5.2 Multi byte fields
12.5.3 Length field (L-Field)
12.5.4 Control field (C-Field)
36 12.5.5 Manufacturer ID (M-field)
12.5.6 Address (A-field)
37 12.5.7 Cyclic redundancy check (CRC-field)
12.5.8 Control information field (CI-field)
12.6 Timing
12.6.1 Timing for installation messages
12.6.2 Synchronous transmissions of meter messages
39 12.6.3 Access timing
41 12.7 Repeated or duplicate messages
12.8 Forward Error Correction (FEC)
12.8.1 Overview
12.8.2 Datagram structure
42 12.8.3 FEC Algorithm
13 Connection to higher protocol layers
13.1 The Control Information Field (CI-field)
44 13.2 CI-fields for the Extended Link Layer
13.2.1 General
13.2.2 CI-field = 8Ch
13.2.3 CI-field = 8Dh
13.2.4 CI-field = 8Eh
45 13.2.5 CI-field = 8Fh
13.2.6 CI-field = 86h
46 13.2.7 Communication Control Field (CC-field)
47 13.2.8 Access Number Field (ACC-field)
13.2.9 Manufacturer ID 2 (M2-field)
13.2.10 Address 2 (A2-field)
13.2.11 Session Number Field (SN-field)
48 13.2.12 AES-128 Counter Mode Encryption
49 13.2.13 Run Time Delay field (RTD-field)
50 13.2.14 Reception Level field (RXL-field)
51 13.2.15 Payload Checksum Field (PayloadCRC-field)
13.3 CI-fields for the Transport Layer
13.3.1 General
52 13.3.2 Short Transport Layer
13.3.3 Long Transport Layer
14 Management functions for link control
14.1 General
56 14.2 Set Radio Parameters
14.2.1 General
14.2.2 Command
59 14.2.3 Response
61 14.3 Get Radio Parameters
14.3.1 General
14.3.2 Command
14.3.3 Response
63 14.4 Set limited radio parameters
14.4.1 General
14.4.2 Command
64 14.4.3 Response
65 14.5 Confirm Radio Parameters
14.5.1 General
14.5.2 Command
14.5.3 Response:
66 14.6 Set manufacturer specific parameters
14.6.1 General
14.6.2 Command
67 14.6.3 Response
68 Annex A (informative) Frequency allocation and band usage for the 868 MHz band
69 Annex B (informative) Frequency allocation for the 169 MHz band
70 Annex C (informative) Frame examples
75 Annex D (informative) Example of predictive reception of synchronous messages
76 Annex E (informative) Timing diagrams
98 Annex F (informative) Counter Mode Flow
99 Bibliography
BS EN 13757-4:2019