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BS EN 1097-6:2022 – TC


Tracked Changes. Tests for mechanical and physical properties of aggregates – Determination of particle density and water absorption

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BSI 2022 142
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This document specifies the reference methods used for type testing and in case of dispute, for the determination of particle density and water absorption of normal weight and lightweight aggregates. Other methods can be used for other purposes, such as factory production control, provided that an appropriate working relationship with the reference method has been established. For convenience, some of these other methods are also described in this document. The reference methods for normal weight aggregates are: – a wire basket method for aggregate particles retained on the 31,5 mm sieve (Clause 7, except for railway ballast which uses Annex B); – a pyknometer method for aggregate particles passing the 31,5 mm sieve and retained on the 4 mm sieve (Clause 8); – a pyknometer method for aggregate particles passing the 4 mm sieve and retained on the 0,063 mm sieve (Clause 9). In Clauses 7, 8 and 9, three different particle densities (oven-dried particle density, saturated and surface-dried particle density and apparent particle density) and water absorption are determined after a soaking period of 24 h. In Annex B, the oven-dried particle density is determined after soaking in water to constant mass. For aggregate particles passing the 31,5 mm sieve and retained on the 4 mm sieve, the wire basket method in Clause 7 can be used as an alternative to the pyknometer method in Clause 8. NOTE 1 The wire basket method can also be used for single aggregate particles retained on the 63 mm sieve. NOTE 2 The pyknometer method described in Clause 8 can be used as an alternative for aggregates passing the 4 mm sieve and retained on the 2 mm sieve. The reference methods for lightweight aggregates are: – a pyknometer method for aggregate particles passing the 31,5 mm sieve and retained on the 4 mm sieve (Annex C). Three different particle densities (oven-dried; saturated and surface-dried; apparent) and water absorption are determined after pre-drying and a soaking period of 24 h; – a method, using a Büchner funnel, for aggregate particles passing the 4 mm sieve (Annex D). The three particle densities and water absorption are determined using a vacuum in the range of 50 mbar to 100 mbar for at least five minutes. Three other methods for normal weight aggregates can be used to determine the pre-dried particle density, as specified in normative Annexes A and H: – a wire basket method for aggregate particles passing the 63 mm sieve and retained on the 31,5 mm sieve (A.3); – a pyknometer method for aggregate particles passing the 31,5 mm sieve and retained on the 0,063 mm sieve (A.4); – a pyknometer method for aggregate particles passing the 31,5 mm sieve, including the 0/0,063 mm size fraction (Annex H). NOTE 3 If water absorption is less than about 1,5 %, the apparent particle density can be assessed using the pre-dried particle density method as defined in Annex A. The quick method in normative Annex E can be used in factory production control to determine the apparent particle density of lightweight aggregates. The method in informative Annex F can be used to determine the particle density and water absorption of aggregate particles passing the 4 mm sieve. Data on the density of water at various temperatures is specified in normative Annex G. Guidance on the significance and use of the various density and water absorption parameters is given in informative Annex I. Precision data are presented in informative Annex J.

PDF Catalog

PDF Pages PDF Title
80 undefined
88 1 Scope
89 2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
91 4 Principle
5 Materials
6 Apparatus
95 7 Wire basket method for aggregate particles passing the 63 mm sieve and retained on the 31,5 mm sieve
7.1 General
7.2 Preparation of test portion
7.3 Test procedure
96 7.4 Calculation and expression of results
97 8 Pyknometer method for aggregate particles passing the 31,5 mm sieve and retained on the 4 mm sieve
8.1 General
8.2 Preparation of test portion
98 8.3 Test procedure
8.4 Calculation and expression of results
99 9 Pyknometer method for aggregate particles passing the 4 mm sieve and retained on the 0,063 mm sieve
9.1 General
9.2 Preparation of test portion
9.3 Test procedure
100 9.4 Calculation and expression of results
101 10 Test report
10.1 Required data
102 10.2 Optional data
103 Annex A (normative)Determination of pre-dried particle density of aggregates passing the 63 mm sieve (excluding the 0/0,063 mm size fraction)
A.1 General
A.2 Principle
A.3 Wire basket method for aggregate particles passing the 63 mm sieve and retained on the 31,5 mm sieve
A.3.1 Preparation of test portion
A.3.2 Test procedure
104 A.3.3 Calculation and expression of results
A.4 Pyknometer method for aggregate particles passing the 31,5 mm sieve and retained on the 0,063 mm sieve
A.4.1 Preparation of test specimens
105 A.4.2 Determination of the pyknometer volume
A.4.3 Test procedure
106 A.4.4 Calculation and expression of results
A.5 Test report
A.5.1 Required data
107 A.5.2 Optional data
108 Annex B (normative)Determination of particle density and water absorption of coarse aggregates saturated to constant mass
B.1 General
B.2 Preparation of test portion
B.2.1 Sample reduction
B.2.2 Single particles of aggregate
B.2.3 Railway ballast
B.3 Test procedure
109 B.4 Calculation and expression of results
B.5 Test report
B.5.1 Required data
110 B.5.2 Optional data
111 Annex C (normative)Determination of particle density and water absorption of coarse lightweight aggregates
C.1 General
C.2 Preparation of test specimens
C.3 Determination of the pyknometer volume
112 C.4 Test procedure
C.5 Calculation and expression of results
114 C.6 Test report
C.6.1 Required data
C.6.2 Optional data
115 Annex D (normative)Determination of particle density and water absorption of fine lightweight aggregates
D.1 General
D.2 Principle
D.3 Preparation of test specimens
D.4 Test procedure
D.4.1 Water absorption
116 D.4.2 Particle density
D.5 Calculation and expression of results
D.5.1 Water absorption
117 D.5.2 Particle density
118 D.6 Test report
D.6.1 Required data
D.6.2 Optional data
119 Annex E (normative)Quick method for determination of apparent particle density of coarse lightweight aggregates
E.1 General
E.2 Preparation of test specimens
E.3 Procedure
120 E.4 Calculation and expression of results
E.5 Test report
E.5.1 Required data
E.5.2 Optional data
122 Annex F (informative)Determination of the particle density and water absorption of aggregates passing the 4 mm sieve
F.1 General
F.2 Preparation of test portion
123 F.3 Procedure
124 F.4 Calculation and expression of results
125 F.5 Test report
F.5.1 Required data
F.5.2 Optional data
126 Annex G (normative)Density of water
127 Annex H (normative)Determination of the pre-dried particle density of aggregates passing the 31,5 mm sieve
H.1 General
H.2 Principle
H.3 Preparation of test specimens
128 H.4 Test procedure
H.5 Determination of the pyknometer volume
129 H.6 Calculation and expression of results
H.7 Test report
H.7.1 Required data
130 H.7.2 Optional data
131 Annex I (informative)Guidance on the significance and use of various particle density parameters and water absorption
I.1 General
132 I.2 Characteristics of the reference methods for normal weight aggregates according to Clauses 7, 8 and 9 and Annex B
133 I.3 Characteristics of the reference method for coarse lightweight aggregates, specified in Annex C
134 I.4 Characteristics of the methods for determination of the pre-dried particle density of normal weight aggregates, specified in Annex A and Annex H
135 I.5 Selection of the appropriate particle density parameter
I.6 Applicability of and test conditions for the various test methods in EN 10976
137 I.7 Relationships between different particle density parameters (notations according to the main methods, specified in Clauses 7, 8 and 9)
138 Annex J (informative)Precision
J.1 Data from National Standards
139 J.2 Data from cross testing experiments
BS EN 1097-6:2022 - TC