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ASCE 9780784410967 2010


Earth and Space 2010

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ASCE 2010 3901
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This collection contains 369 papers presented at the 12th Biennial International Conference on Engineering, Construction, and Operations in Challenging Environments and the 4th NASA/ARO/ASCE Workshop on Granular Materials in Lunar and Martian Exploration, held in Honolulu, Hawaii, from March 14-17, 2010.

PDF Catalog

PDF Pages PDF Title
1 Cover
11 Table of Contents
40 Symposium 1: 4th NASA/ARO/ASCE Workshop on Granular Materials in Lunar and Martian Exploration
A Particle-Scale Model to Simulate Soil/Regolith Erosion
52 Active Dust Mitigation Technology for Thermal Radiators for Lunar Exploration
60 An Experimental Investigation of Size Sorting of Lunar Simulants in Terrestrial and Lunar Gravity
68 Decay of Reactivity in Forsterite Due to UV Radiation
75 DEM Simulations of the Effects of Particle Shape, Interparticle Cohesion, and Gravity on Rotating Drum Flows of Lunar Regolith
81 Discrete Element Modeling of Vicksburg Sand and Lunar Simulant
88 Effect of Grain Size Distribution on Mechanical Properties of Lunar Soil
96 Electrostatic Transport of Lunar Soil for In Situ Resource Utilization
105 Extracting Respirable Particles from Lunar Regolith for Toxicology Studies
113 Grain-Scale Mechanical Properties of Lunar Plagioclase and Its Simulant: Initial Experimental Findings and Modeling Implications
123 Granular Flow and Dynamics of Lunar Simulants in Excavating Implements
134 Gravitational Effect on Material Response of Granular Materials
141 Hazards and Opportunities of Lunar Dust and Regolith
145 Important Considerations for Lunar Soil Simulants
158 Acoustic Particle-Size Analyzer for Planetary Exploration
173 Lunar Dust Particles Blown by Lander Engine Exhaust in Rarefied and Compressible Flow
182 Mars Landing Engine Plume Impingement Ground Interaction
197 Particle Entrainment by Non-Uniform Eolian Flow
205 Robotic Lunar Geotechnical Tool
221 Rocket Cratering in Simulated Lunar and Martian Environments
230 Scaling of Erosion Rate in Subsonic Jet Experiments and Apollo Lunar Module Landings
247 Simulation of Experimental Tests on the JSC-1A Lunar Soil Simulant with Polyhedral Discrete Elements
256 Simulation of the Lunar Environment for the Study of Regolith Strength
270 Soil Density from Ripping Force Measurement during Site Preparation
278 Soil Test Apparatus for Lunar Surfaces
293 Statistics on 3D Particle Shapes of Lunar Soil (No. 60501) Obtained by Micro X-Ray CT and Its Image-Based DEM Simulation
299 The Physical State of Lunar Soil in the Permanently Shadowed Craters of the Moon
305 Thermal Properties of Lunar Regolith Simulants
315 Symposium 2: Advanced Materials for Sustainable Development
A New Reinforcement Scheme of Plate-Rib Underground Continuous Wall Based on the Soft Foundation in Meizoseismal Area
324 A Three-Parameter Elastic Foundation Model for Interface Stresses in Curved Beams Externally Strengthened by a Thin FRP Plate
334 An Accurate and Efficient Finite Element for Reinforced Concrete Beams Flexurally Retrofitted with FRP
344 An Anisotropic Elastoplastic Constitutive Model for Layered Rock Masses and Its Implementation in ABAQUS
358 Analysis of Crack Propagation for Sluice Pie under Seepage-Stress Coupling Condition Based on Element-Free Method
368 Analysis of Crack Reliability for Gravity Dams Based on FEM and Response Surface Method
377 Analysis of Entropy Variation in the Propagation of Cracks in Concrete Structures
388 Analysis of Inducing Joints Behavior during Reservoir Filling in Xiaowan Arch Dam
396 Analysis of Ultimate Bearing Capacity of High Concrete Arch Dam with Cracks in Service Using Natural Vibration Frequency
404 Analysis of Unified Beam-Type Fracture Specimens
413 Analysis on Failure Mechanism and Evaluation about Static Stability and Seismic Response for Luanshigang Landslide
424 Application of a Generalized Plasticity Model to Ultra-High Rockfill Dam
438 Biaxial Tension Analysis of Geomembranes under the Condition of Interface Shear Stress
447 Buckling of Compound Spherical-Toroidal Shells under External Pressure
462 Comparison and Study on Constitutive Models for Coarse Grained Materials under Different Stress Path
470 Coupled Analysis of Arch Dam Using Trial Load Technique and Displacement Compatibility-Based Finite Element Method
482 Deformation Prediction Model of Concrete Arch Dam Based on Improved Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm
491 Development of a Corrugated Wood Composite Web Panel for I-Joist from Discarded Veneer-Mill Residues
502 Earthquake Response of Xieka Concrete Face Rockfill Dam by FEM
512 Exploratory Study on ECE Technique for Chloride Removal from Concrete Beams Retrofitted with FRP Strips
524 Environment-Friendly Concrete and Cement Mortar Mixed with Steel Slag
531 Equivalent Uniformly-Distributed Live Load on Two-Way Slabs
538 Evaluations of Latex Modified Concrete Overlay Bonded to Normal Concrete Deck
548 Experiment and Application on the Boundary Condition of Temperature Field for High Performance Concrete
556 Experimental and Analytical Study of Composite Structural Insulated Floor Panels
570 Experimental Study of Recycled Concrete Columns under Large Eccentric Compression
578 Experimental Study on Electric Properties of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Mortar
589 Freeze-Deicer Salt Scaling Resistance of Concrete
598 Improved Safety Monitoring Model of Crack in Concrete Dams
606 In Situ Structural Dynamic Behavior of Gate in Ship Lock
619 Influence of MSW Landfill on Surrounding Geological Environment and Control Strategies
633 Influence of Working Gap on Magnetic Field and Transmission Torque of Magneto-Rheological Coupler
645 Mixed Finite Element Method for Contact Problems of Multibody
660 Model II Fracture Evaluation of CFRP-Concrete Interface Using Accelerated Aging Test
673 On the Study of Interface Crack in Layered Piezoelectric Structures
683 Problems on Practical Construction of Durable Concrete with Controlled Permeability Formwork Liner
688 Rehabilitation of Reinforced Concrete T-Beam Structures Using Externally Bonded FRP Composites
703 Research on Static and Seismic Stability of High Rock Slopes in Hydropower Stations
716 Research on Topology Optimization for 3-D Body Type of High Arch Dam
723 Structural Safety Evaluation of Wanjiazhai Concrete Gravity Dam by Monitoring Observations
736 Seismic Analysis of High-Rise Intake Tower of the 2ndSpillway Tunnel of Zipingpu Hydro-Junction
743 Seismic Response Analysis of Concrete Dams Using Damage Mechanics and Creep Models
748 Sensitivity Analysis of Influencing Factors on Lateral Deformation of Geosynthetic Reinforced Segmental Soil Retaining Walls
759 Structural Stability and Filling Materials on Geotube Dams
768 Study on Dynamic Character of Electrical Switch Cabinet in Seismic Test
781 Study on Dynamic Response of an Iron Statue of Lion
790 Study on Permeability Coefficient and Volumetric Deformation Modulus of Fresh Concrete for Different Mix Designs
797 Study on Safety Evaluation Based on Nonlinear Finite Element Method for High Arch Dams
804 Study on the Forecasting Models of Slope Stability under Data Mining
816 Influence of Construction Method of Arch Dam Foundation Replacement Block on Dam Safety
826 The Application of Gray Evaluation and ANN on the Forecast System of Ocean Engineering Resulting from Earthquake
839 Direct Algorithm of Heat Change to Cooling Effect Simulation of Water Pipes
848 The Impact of Wenchuan Earthquake on Structures
874 Symposium 3: Ballistic Impact and Crashworthiness
Damage Model for the Residual Strength of Concrete under Fatigue Biaxial Compression with Constant Confined Stress
887 Finite Element Model for Failure Study of Two Dimensional Triaxially Braided Composite and Parameter Study
897 Micromechanical Model and Overall Properties of CNT/SMP Composites with Aggregated Inclusions
912 Symposium 4: Exploration and Utilization of Extraterrestrial Bodies
2011 Mars Science Laboratory Mission Design Overview
937 A Holistic Approach to Lunar Settlements
941 A Multi Tier Barcode Based System for the Construction Management of Lunar and Martian Outposts
947 A Study of Parallels between Antarctica South Pole Traverse Equipment and Lunar/Mars Surface Systems
980 An Overview of the Mars Science Laboratory Sample Acquisition, Sample Processing, and Handling Subsystem
988 Arctic and Antarctic Analogs for Planetary Surface Traverses
1005 Constellation Architecture Team: Lunar Outpost “Scenario 12.1” Habitation Concept
1028 Constellation Architecture Team-Lunar Scenario 12.0 Habitation Overview
1051 Coupled Simulation Model for Ice Migration
1060 Deep Drilling and Sampling via Compact Low-Mass Rotary-Hammer Auto-Gopher
1070 Design and Tele-Operation of a Lunar Excavator for the NASA Centennial Challenge
1078 Development and Testing of High Surface Area Iridium Anodes for Molten Oxide Electrolysis
1085 Development of a Miniature Scanning Electron Microscope to Facilitate In Situ Lunar Science and Engineering
1093 Development of a NASA 2018 Mars Landed Mission Concept
1113 Drilling and Excavation on Mars for Construction and In Situ Resource Utilization (ISRU)
1123 Drilling at High Temperatures Using Ultrasonic/Sonic Actuated Mechanism
1130 Dust-Tolerant Power Connector Test Results
1137 Experimental Study of Waterless Concrete for Lunar Construction
1142 Mobile Field Analog for Lunar Habitat Integrated System Health Monitoring
1158 Field Testing of K10 with HYDRA at NASA Ames Research Center
1167 Five-Step Parametric Prediction and Optimization Tool for Lunar Surface Systems Excavation Tasks
1191 Geothermite Reactions for In Situ Resource Utilization on the Moon and Beyond
1201 Intelligent Explorer with Smart Manipulator and Drilling Mechanism for Lunar or Planetary Exploration
1212 Lunar Analog Testing in Hawai’i: An Example of International Collaboration
1230 Lunar and Planetary Excavation Prototype Development and Testing at the Colorado School of Mines
1240 Lunar Daylight Exploration: Cost Constrained Human and Robotic Exploration
1250 Lunar Suitcase Science: A Lunar Regolith Characterization Kit (LRoCK)
1274 Magna Parva and ESA’s Ultrasonic Drill Tool for Planetary Surface Exploration
1285 Miniaturized Scanning Electron Microscope for In Situ Planetary Studies
1297 “MOONBIT”—Seismic while Drilling (SWD) Laboratory Testing with Lunar Regolith Simulant
1312 Novel Solids Flow Concepts Proposed for Regolith Heat Exchanger and Conveyors
1323 Numerical Simulation of Jet-Lifting under Variable Gravity Field
1334 Optimized O’Neill-Glaser Model for Human Population of Space and Its Impact on Survival Probabilities
1347 Overcoming the Hurdles of Incorporating In Situ Resource Utilization (IRSU) into Human Lunar Exploration
1365 Parameters Governing Regolith Site Work by Small Robots
1373 Planetary Analogs for Drilling Automation Testing
1382 Plasma Processing of Lunar Regolith Simulant for Oxygen and Glass Production
1392 Pneumatic Regolith Transfer Systems for In Situ Resource Utilization
1403 Precision Subsampling System for Mars and Beyond
1421 Quick Attach Docking Interface for Lunar Electric Rover
1433 Results from Testing of Two Rotary Percussive Drilling Systems
1441 Risk Assessment Visualization Study for Lunar Outpost Landing Zone Surface Preparation
1457 Experimental Study of Lunar Regolith Anchoring Forces
1462 Rotary-Percussive Deep Drill for Planetary Applications
1476 Sample Return: What Happens to Samples on Earth?
1489 The Development of a Silicon-Drift-Detector-Based X-Ray Spectrometer for Remote Surface Analysis
1498 The Habitat Demonstration Unit Project Overview
1517 The Habitat Demonstration Unit Project: Test Operations
1531 The Habitat Demonstration Unit System Integration
1541 Tumbleweed: A New Paradigm for Surveying Mars for In Situ Resources
1552 Variation in Wave Propagation in Lunar Percussive Drilling Instrument Due to Presence of a Joint
1564 Symposium 5: Intelligent Sensors and Actuators
A Comprehensive Piezoceramic Actuator Model for Simulating Mechanical Interactions in Smart Structures
1577 An Inductive Coulter Counting Device for Online Monitoring of Wear Debris in Lubricant
1585 A Practical Temperature Sensor with High Sensitivity Utilizing a Fiber Loop Mirror with a Long-Period Grating in a Photonic Crystal Fiber
1590 Applications of Shape Memory Alloys in Offshore Oil and Gas Industry: A Review
1607 FRP Bridge Deck Debonding Monitoring Method Using OTDR Technique
1615 Damage Monitoring of Bridge Cable through Acoustic Emission Technique
1622 Develop an Improved Miniature Amplifier for Piezoceramic Actuation through Feedback Control
1632 Development of an Innovative Shape Memory Alloy Based Tool for Brachytherapy
1640 Fiber Bragg Grating Strain Sensor for Measurement of Vortex-Induced Vibration
1648 High Precision Fiber Loop Ringdown Chemical Corrosion Sensors
1654 Innovative Sensors and Devices Applied in Bicycle and Pedestrian Crossings at Freeway Interchanges
1665 Intelligent Sensors with Application to Identify the Steel Cable Forces
1673 Interoperable Smart Sensor Networking
1683 Launch Cavity Ringdown Spectroscopy from Earth to Space
1694 Magnetic Nanoparticles-Enhanced SPR Sensing for Ultrasensitive Sandwich Immunoassay
1701 Nonlinear Control of a Shape Memory Alloy Actuator via Mu-Synthesis
1715 Optical Fiber Sensors for Harsh Environment Monitoring
1732 Performance Evaluation of a FRP-Wrapped Balsa Wood Bridge Deck System
1742 Slab Coupled Optical Fiber Electric Field Sensors
1755 The Development of a Modified Bi-Axial Composite Test Specimen
1761 The Influence of Fixing Method on the Performance of Fiber Bragg Grating Strain Sensor
1768 Tracking Control of a Piezo Positioning Stage with Scalar Sign Function and Digital Redesign Technique
1793 Transmission of Ultrasonic Elastic Waves to Assess the Quality of Panel-to-Panel Connections in Satellite Structures
1801 Symposium 6: Advanced Issues and Challenges in Control of Aerospace
A Discussion on Non-Keplerian Orbits
1808 A New General Method for Modeling Complex Multibody Dynamical Systems
1836 A New Robust Fault-Tolerant Controller for Self-Repairing Flight Control System
1844 A Weighted Recursive Least Square Relative Navigation Algorithm Based on Rendezvous-Radar Measurements
1852 Acceleration of Levenberg-Marquardt Method Training of NSV Attitude System Fuzzy Modeling
1860 Autopilot Design for a Side-Jet Missile Based on MRVSS Technique and GA Optimization
1873 Design of Modified Backstepping Attitude Controller
1881 Dynamics of Resonance Orbits for Spacecrafts
1888 Explicit Analytic Solution to the Satellite Formation-Keeping Problem
1904 Fault Diagnosis and Active Fault Tolerant Control for Near Space Vehicle Based on Adaptive Observer
1915 Hypersonic Vehicle Longitudinal Control Using Adaptive Time-Varying Terminal Sliding Modes
1923 LPV Modeling and Gain Scheduled Bank-to-Turn Autopilot Design
1931 New Interceptor Guidance Law Using LOS Rate Only
1939 Nonlinear Fault-Tolerant Control of a Space Truss Structure with an MR Damper
1957 Recurrent-Functional-Link-Network-Based Predictive Control Hypersonic Vehicles with Dynamical Uncertainties
1965 Research of a One-Way Slide Mode with Constraint State Condition
1973 Shape-Based Method for Non-Keplerian Orbit Design
1980 Support for Flight Trajectories and Video Capture: Initial Results Using a Free Open Source Flight Simulator
1988 Target Clustering Based on Integrated Discrepancy-Degree for Mixed-Type Attributes
1996 Trajectory Optimization and Reentry Tracking Research for Lifting Reentry Vehicle
2004 Symposium 7: Advanced Topics in Offshore Wind Turbine Research
A Risk Analysis Framework for Offshore Wind Turbines
2012 A State-Space Viscoelastic Model of Double-Beam Systems toward the Dynamic Analysis of Wind Turbine Blades
2020 Advanced Topics in Offshore Wind Turbines Design
2031 CFD Approach to the Micrositing of Wind Turbines in Complex Terrain
2040 Dependability of Offshore Wind Turbines
2053 Dynamic Analysis of an Offshore Wind Turbine: Wind-Waves Nonlinear Interaction
2066 Effects of Modeling Parameter Uncertainty on the Structural Response of Offshore Wind Turbines
2078 Experimental Research on Shear Stress of Submerged Vegetation in Ecological Riverbank
2086 Fatigue Design for Axially Loaded Grouted Connections of Offshore Wind Turbine Support Structures in Deeper Waters
2094 Modeling of Flow and Water Quality Processes of Oil Spills with Finite Volume Method
2102 Performance-Based Design of Offshore Wind Turbines
2118 Physical Modeling of the Dynamic Response of Offshore Wind Turbines Founded on Monopiles
2126 Planning of an Offshore Wind Farm in the Mediterranean Sea
2136 Semi-Active Algorithm for Edgewise Vibration Control in Floating Wind Turbine Blades
2150 Structural Damage Monitoring of Composite Blade under Fatigue Loading with Embedded Piezoelectric Transducers
2155 Structural Integrity Evaluation of Offshore Wind Turbines
2169 Structural Offshore Wind Turbines Optimization
2182 Wind-Wave Hindcasting on Offshore Wind Turbine through Coupled Atmospheric and Spectral Models
2191 Symposium 8: Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfers
3-D Aerodynamic Analysis of Long-Span Bridge Deck Sections Using DES and Block-Iterative Coupling
2200 A Review of Vortex-Induced Vibrations
2206 Coherent Structure of Surface Pressures on 2-D Rectangular Cylinders in Turbulent Flow
2218 Effect on Tiles by Wind Flow over Roof of Japanese Residence
2227 Experimental Study on the Characteristics of Weak Corrosive Surfactant Drag Reducer
2238 Extensional Properties of a Dilute Polymer Solution Following Preshear in Microgravity
2246 Formation of Uniform Plugs and Monodispersed Droplets for Viscoelastic Fluid Flow in Microchannels
2256 Quasi-Steady Solution of Rotor-Dynamic Forces Generated by Discharge-to-Suction Leakage Flows in Centrifugal Pumps
2267 Structural Analysis of Reciprocating Small Scale Hydropower System for Lift Force Estimation
2278 Study on Impact Loadings of Flood on Buildings
2286 Study on Transport of Groundwater of Jinping Cascade-II Hydropower Station with Long Diversion Tunnel Region
2295 Water Leak Tests of Tiled Roofs under Vibration and Scattering by Wind Tunnel
2306 Symposium 9: Innovative Techniques in Structural Health Monitoring
A Nonlinear Method for Harvesting Mechanical Energy from Vibrations
2316 A Two Stage Damage Detection Method with Application to the Phrase I ASCE SHM Benchmark Building
2328 An Emulation Framework for Wireless Structural Health Monitoring
2341 An Improved Generalized Projection Denoising Algorithm and Its Application
2350 Bridge Model Updating Using Response Surface Method
2360 Damage Detection of Reinforced Concrete Columns Based on Vibration Tests
2369 Damage Detection through Genetic and Swarm-Based Optimization Algorithms
2375 Deformation Decomposition Based on the Elemental Eigen-Deformation Shapes
2383 Development of Wireless Sensing System for Structural Health Monitoring
2400 Efficient Structural Health Monitoring by Limited Strain Measurements
2408 Experimental and Numerical Study on Damage Detection in I-Type Steel Beam Based on PZT Admittance Signals
2415 FBG Sensor-Based Monitoring of a Reinforced Concrete Frame under Pushover Testing
2424 Feedback Control in a Distributed Intelligent Multi-Purpose Sensor Network
2434 GPS Multipath Effect Mitigation Algorithm Based on Empirical Mode Decomposition
2444 Hybrid Piezo-Based Wireless Sensor Networks for Civil Structural Health Monitoring
2451 Identification of Time-Varying Structural Parameters Based on Hilbert Transform: Numerical Simulations
2461 Measuring Corrosion of Steel in Concrete via Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors—Lab Experimental Test and In-Field Application
2470 Multi-Scale Detection Techniques for Local Scour Monitoring in River Bed: Case Study at Sutong Bridge
2481 Parameters Optimization of Wavelet Transform in Modal Parameter Identification with Closely Spaced Modes
2490 Radome Inspection Based on Ultrasonic Frequency Tomography and Ultrasonic Energy Propagation Imaging
2501 Recent Progress in Smart Aggregate-Based Structural Health Monitoring of Civil Structures
2516 Remote Structure Parameters Estimation on NetSlab Platform Using Response Time Series
2526 Research on BOTDR Sensing Technique in Structural Health Monitoring
2533 Social Benefits of ELF-Monitoring
2540 Structural Health Monitoring Algorithm Settlement Behavior and Water Leakage of Karkheh Reservoir Earth Dam through SSM and Instrumentation
2548 Structural Health Monitoring with Data Fusion Method
2557 Structural Health Monitoring of Arch Dam from Dynamic Measurements
2574 Temperature Monitoring of Tsing Ma Suspension Bridge: Numerical Simulation and Field Measurement
2582 The Intelligent Method and Implementation of Health Monitoring System for Large Span Structures
2592 The Research on the Failure Mode Classification Based on Reconstructed Phase Space and GMM
2599 Using Triboluminescent Impacts of ZnS: Mn as an Impact Detection Sensor for Spacecraft
2607 Vibration Monitoring Using Wireless Sensor Networks on Dongying Huanghe River Bridge
2616 Symposium 10: Disaster Mitigation
Mechanical and Electrical Properties of Carbon-NanoFiber Self-Consolidating Concrete
2625 A New Seismic Isolation Method by Using a Periodic Foundation
2634 A Substructure Approach for Damage Detection of Large Size Structures under Limited Input and Output Measurements
2644 A Proposed Approach for Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis
2654 An Application of a Proposed Stiffness-Strength-Ductility Design Approach to a Five Storey Steel Building Structure
2664 Analysis of Seismic Response for Arch Dam Based on Gradual Enlargement Mesh Method
2675 Application of GIS-Based OWA Method to Suitability Evaluation of Construction Land in Tangshan City
2685 Approach of Masonry School Building Seismic Collapses in the Wenchuan Earthquake
2692 Approach of the Collapses of RC Frame Structure School Buildings
2702 Concept of Virtual Work and Its Application on Damage Detection of Existing Structure
2709 Cost Optimum Design of Reinforced Concrete Simply Supported One-Way Slabs
2718 Coupled Model for Non Linear Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Members Subjected to 3D Loading
2728 Design and Calibration of PVDF Based Stress Gauge and Its Application in Concrete Cylinder Impact Test
2737 Dynamic Characteristics of PC Bridge Resonated with Trucks by Monitoring
2745 Dynamic Parameter Verification of P-Z Model and Its Application of Dynamic Analysis on Rockfill Dam
2753 Dynamic Analysis for Earth Rock-Fill Dam Including Dam-Reservoir-Foundation Interaction
2766 Earthquake Inputs for Structural Aseismic Design in Cities
2775 Earthquake Spatial Coherence Analysis from Simulated Accelerograms
2785 Dielectric Spectroscopy and ELP-Prediction of Earthquakes
2794 Effect of Steel Fibers on Shear Behavior of Prestressed Concrete Beams
2804 Environmental Surveillance for Disaster Prevention
2812 Evaluation of Shear Critical Shear Walls with the Fiber Element
2824 Experimental Behavior of Rigid and Semirigid Steel Frames under Cyclic Loading
2832 Experimental Research on Damping and Bonding Properties of Concrete Reinforced with GFRP Bars
2845 Experimental Research on Seismic Behavior of Reinforced N-Block Masonry Shear Wall
2860 Experimental Study on Interfacial Strength of the High Performance Recycled Aggregate Concrete
2868 In-Plane Seismic Strengthening of Masonry Walls with Sprayed Glass Fibre Reinforced Polymer
2880 Investigate on Dimension Effect of Dynamic Artificial Boundaries
2888 Local Shear Connectors Damage Detection for a Concrete-Steel Composite Beam Using Acceleration Time Series
2896 Local Site Effect on Seismic Response of Coupled Transmission Tower-Line System
2909 Modeling of Prestressed Concrete Bridge Girders
2927 Multi-Functional Smart Aggregate-Based Structural Health Monitoring of Circular Reinforced Concrete Columns Subjected to Seismic Excitations
2938 New Circular Hybrid Steel-Concrete-FRP-Concrete Column and Its Fire Performance
2946 Nonlinear Vlasov Foundation Model for Performance Assessment of Cyclically Loaded Structures
2956 Nonlinearity Identification of a Model Structure Equipped with SMA Wires Using Vibration Measurements
2964 Parametric Study of Seismic Response of Transmission Tower-Line System Subjected to Multi-Component Earthquake Excitations
2972 PFC Numerical Simulation of Particle Breakage of Rock-Fill Dam
2980 Pseudo Excitation Method and Its Application in Seismic Design and Disaster Mitigation of Long-Span Structures
2988 Stochastic Response Analysis of Structures with Random Properties Subject to Stationary Random Excitation
2997 Random Seismic Analysis of RC Framed Shear Wall with Probability Density Evolution Method
3006 Rate-Dependent Behaviors of Reinforced Concrete Members
3014 Reliability Analysis of Slope Stability under the Condition of Extreme Ice-Snow and Frozen Disaster
3022 Seismic Behavior Analysis for Intake Tower of Luding Hydropower Station
3031 Seismic Isolation of Buildings with a New Type of Periodic Foundations
3041 Seismic Performance of Composite Steel Plate Reinforced Concrete Shear Wall
3050 Seismic Performance of Square RC Bridge Columns under Combined Loading Including Torsion with Low Shear
3058 Seismic Progressive Collapse Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Bridges by Applied Element Method
3066 Shear Strength of Concrete Hollow Block Masonry under Combined Shear and Compression Loading
3073 Softening-Coefficient for FRP Shear-Strengthened Reinforced Concrete Elements
3086 Structural Health Monitoring and Simulation of RC Frames Subjected to Shake Table Excitations
3095 Structural Health Monitoring of Reinforced Concrete Columns Subjected to Reversed Cyclic Loading Using Innovative Smart Aggregates
3111 Structural Seismic Capacity Optimization by Considering the Allowed Failure of Infills
3122 Study on Heat Flow Analysis Model of H-Section Steel Columns with Box Protection under Fire Conditions
3131 The Effect of Nonlinear Strength of Rockfill Material on Dam’s Stability
3140 Time-Frequency Analysis and Artificial Adjustment of Earthquake Ground Motions via S-Transform
3150 Theoretical Analysis of Dynamic Properties of 2-2 Cement Based Piezoelectric Composite: Actuator Effect
3165 Vibration Isolation of Structure Connected with SMA Helical Springs
3173 Water Supply Policy Considering Climate Change in the Han River Basin, South Korea
3180 Symposium 11: Structural Vibration Control
A New Decentralized Control Approach with Application to the ASCE Benchmark Control Problem under Earthquake Excitation
3192 Active H∞ Control of the Vibration of a Cantilever Beam by Noncontact Magnetic Force
3201 AMD Subsystem Testing Method and Its Application in AMD Performance Test
3207 An ANN Model for Predicting Level Ultimate Bearing Capacity of PHC Pipe Pile
3216 Analysis on Seismic Failure Mechanism of Zipingpu Dam and Several Reflections of Aseismic Design for High Rock-Fill Dam
3229 Analytical Study on Wind-Induced Vibration of Transmission Line Systems in Mountainous Areas
3237 Design and Experimental Investigation on a New Type of SMA-Fluid Viscous Damper
3246 Fault Tolerant Control of a Building Structure with AMD
3256 LMI Based Fault Detection and Isolation on Base Isolation System Model
3273 Hybrid Vibration Control for Structure and Device Platform under Environment Excitation
3281 Inelastic Analysis of Complex Structure Based on Market Theory and Force Analogy Method
3292 Lessons Learnt from Building Damages in the Wenchuan Earthquake
3301 Mechanical Properties of Steel Crane Beam Strengthened by CFRP
3309 Mitigating the Stay Cable Vibration under Deck Excitation
3317 Mixed-Sensitivity Controller Design for Repetitive Control in Hysteretic Systems
3333 Nonlinear Fault Tolerant Control of Nonlinear Structure with MR Dampers
3341 Nonlinear Vibration Analysis of Bulb Tubular Pump-House Considering Vibration Damping with Rubber Buffers
3348 Numerical Simulation on Dynamic Responses and Damages of Steel Frame Structures Column under Blast Loads
3357 Pipe Walking-Lateral Buckling Interaction
3367 Plastic Interaction Relations for Corroded Steel Pipes under Combined Loadings
3384 Prediction of Tuned Liquid Damper Damping Force Based on Back Propagation Neural Network
3394 Roller Compacted Concrete Gravity Dams Reliability Analysis Based on Response Surface Approach
3407 Rural Residential Seismic Resistance Practical Technology
3416 Seismic Vibration Control of Civil Structures Using Shape Memory Alloys: A Review
3435 Study on Vibration Control of Concrete Structures Reinforced with Superelastic Shape Memory Alloy
3445 Theoretical and Experimental Investigations on the Application of Superelastic Shape Memory Alloys in Seismic Engineering
3455 Time Delay of Earthquake Excitation in High-Rise Building
3466 Symposium 12: Nano Technology in Active Materials
Decoration of Carbon Micro/Nano Fiber Surface with Magnetic Nanostructures for Multifunctionalization
3472 Energy Bounds and Moment Tensors
3483 Improved Material Properties of Complex Oxide Thin Films for Application in Phased Array Antennas
3491 Microstructure Evolution of Atomic Layer Deposited Zinc-Oxide Films
3500 Strain Sensing Using Multiwalled Carbon Nanotube Film Subjected to Temperature Variation
3509 Symposium 13: Advanced Construction Materials
A 3-D Computational Model of Mesoscale Structure of Concrete with Polyhedron Aggregate
3520 Application and Analysis of Cables in Light Structures
3535 Control Joints in Cast In Situ Concrete Slabs and Its Application
3543 Effects of Corrosion Pits on Mechanical Properties of Corroded Steel Bars
3551 Evaluation of the Fracture Properties of the Bond Interfaces between UHTCC Overlays and Concrete Substrates
3560 Experimental Study on Bending Behavior of Corroded Post-Tensioned Concrete Beams
3568 Experimental Study on Mechanical Performance of Interface between Mortar and Aggregate in Concrete
3576 Experimental Study on the Bending Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Beams under Super-Low Temperature
3584 Flexural Behavior of Corroded Reinforced Concrete Beams
3592 Improvement of Electrical Conductivity in Carbon Fiber-Concrete Composites Using Self Consolidating Technology
3598 Influence of Mineral Admixture on Early-Age Concrete Cracking
3606 Mechanical Characterization of Polyacrylate Emulsion Modified Mortars
3618 Modeling of Chloride Ions Diffusion in Cracked Concrete
3629 Natural Frequencies of Corroded Reinforced Concrete Beams Strengthened with Carbon Fiber Composite Sheets under Fatigue Load
3637 Research on the Stress-Strain Relationship of Square Concrete Columns Confined by CFRP Sheets at Low Temperatures
3649 Theoretical Modeling of Concrete Moisture Diffusion Surface Factor
3656 Symposium 14: Advanced Technology in Composite Material Processing
A New Lunar Soil Simulant in China
3663 Dynamic Damping Modeling of Composite with Carbon Nano Fiber Paper
3678 In Situ Measurement of Environmentally-Induced Deformations of Telescopes
3686 Manufacturing and Characterization of Microstrip Antennas Integrated in 3D Orthogonal Woven Composites
3696 Morphology, Electrical Conductivity of Novel Graphite Nanoplatelets-Carbon Nanotube Hybrid Nanopaper
3704 Shape Memory Polymer Carbon Nanocomposites; Based on Carbon Nanopaper
3718 Study of Fire Retardant Performance of Composite Coated with Clay Containing Hybrid Carbon Nanofiber Paper
3730 Three Dimensional Monte Carlo Simulation of the Electrical Conductivity of Composites Reinforced by Short Fibers
3742 Three-Dimensional Layered Architectures Composed of Self-Assembled Nanoparticles through Ice Templating
3748 Vibration Damping Enhancement of Polymer Composites via Carbon Nanopaper Sheets with Different Fiber Reinforcements
3760 Symposium 15: New Development and Challenging Issues in 21st Engineering Education in Dynamics, Controls, and Structures
Enabling Remote Design and Troubleshooting Experiments Using the iLab Shared Architecture
3773 Encouraging Students Actively Involved in Course Teaching Procedure
3781 Failure Mechanism of Granular Soil Slopes
3792 Force Tracking Control of a Testing Device I: System Modeling and Identification
3803 Force Tracking Control of a Testing Device II: Controller Implementation
3814 Introduce CDIO Model into Undergraduate Computer Engineering Curriculum—Networked Data Acquisition Systems
3826 Progress and Strategies of Engineering Technology Revamping Plan at PVAMU
3837 Requirements on Virtual Real-Time System Lab Design and Development
3848 Research on Design and Structure Dynamics of Variable Topology-Transformable Spacecraft
3860 Sustainability and Education: The Need for New Degree Options
3872 Utilizing Program Outcomes in the Modification of Engineering Technology Curriculum
3882 Virtual and Remote Laboratory Development: A Review
3892 Wireless Structural Health Monitoring and Early-Stage Damage Detection Using Piezoelectric Impedance Sensors
ASCE 9780784410967 2010