1 Scope
1 1.1 This Standard applies to service-entrance, feeder, and branch-circuit busways and associated fittings rated at 600 V or less, 6 000 A or less, and intended for use in accordance with the Canadian Electrical Code, Part I (CE Code, Part I), the National Electrical Code (NEC), NFPA 70, and the Mexican Standard for Electrical Installations (Utility), NOM-001-SEDE, (see Annex B, Reference Item No. 1). These requirements do not apply to metal enclosed bus intended for connecting switchgear assemblies for use in prefabricated electric distribution systems.
1 1.2 For the purpose of these requirements, a busway is considered to be a grounded metal enclosure containing factory mounted conductors that are usually copper or aluminum bars, rods, or tubes.
1 1.3 Values stated without parentheses are the requirement. Values in parentheses are explanatory or approximate information.
1 1.4 Unless otherwise indicated, all voltage and current values mentioned in this Standard are root-mean-square (rms).