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BSI PD CLC/TR 50174-99-1:2015


Information technology. Cabling installation – Remote powering

Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
BSI 2015 32
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This Technical Report defines requirements and recommendations concerning limits for the application and operation of remote powering using cabling comprising balanced cabling components of Category 5 and above as defined in EN 50173‑1 .

This Technical Report also describes:

  • a set of specific implementations which are the basis of a mathematical model for the temperature increases in bundles of cables under remote powering conditions;

  • a matching testing protocol used to provide data for the mathematical model;


    The testing protocol was established in order to enable comparison of data from different sources in order to support the development of the mathematical model and to develop appropriate planning and installation rules as suggested by different installation conditions. It is not the role of CLC/TC 215 to develop test methods for balanced, or other, cables and the protocol defined in Annex B is not as such a test method.

  • the mathematical model that is employed as the basis for the resulting requirements and recommendations.

Safety (electrical safety and protection, optical power, fire, etc.) and electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) requirements are outside the scope of this Technical Report and are covered by standards and regulations. However, information given in this Technical Report may be of assistance in meeting these standards and regulations.

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PDF Pages PDF Title
8 1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms, definitions, abbreviations and symbology
3.1 Terms and definitions
9 3.2 Abbreviations
3.3 Symbology
4 Overview
4.1 General
10 4.2 Published standards
4.2.1 ISO/IEC TR 29125:2010
11 4.2.2 EN 50173-1:2011
4.3 Recent developments
4.3.1 EN 50173-6
4.3.2 IEEE 802.3
4.3.3 Other remote powering solutions
4.3.4 EN 50173-1
12 4.4 Basic principles of remote powering
4.5 Testing protocols and mathematical modelling
5 Application of remote powering
5.1 Channel length
5.1.1 Installed cabling performance
13 5.1.2 Reduction in channel length
5.1.3 Application support
5.2 Cables of Category 5 and above in EN 50173-1
5.2.1 Cable construction
14 5.2.2 Maximum conductor surface temperature
5.3 Installation environment
5.4 Cable bundles
5.4.1 Quantity of cables (N)
15 5.4.2 Bundle temperature
5.4.3 Bundle construction
5.5 Connecting hardware of Category 5 and above in EN 50173-1
5.5.1 Continuous current per conductor
5.5.2 Mating and de-mating under current load
5.6 Pathways and pathway systems
16 6 Operation
6.1 Design margin
6.2 Cable bundle temperature and construction
6.3 Range of temperature rises
6.3.1 General
17 6.3.2 Injected power
18 6.4 Installation guidance
6.4.1 New cabling installations
6.4.2 Legacy cabling installations
6.5 Record-keeping
6.6 Cabling acceptance and trouble-shooting testing
19 Annex A (informative) Powering concepts
A.1 Principles
A.2 Mathematical treatment
A.2.1 General
20 A.2.2 Link/channel performance
21 A.3 Power dissipation
22 Annex B (normative) Test protocol
B.1 Background
B.2 Test set-up
24 B.3 Current delivery and measurement accuracy
B.4 Test conditions
B.5 Installation environment
25 B.6 Data submission
27 Annex C (normative) Temperature rise modelling
C.1 Model basics
C.2 Power dissipated (P)
28 C.3 Temperature difference from ambient temperature to bundle surface (Tu)
C.3.1 Model formulae
C.3.2 Typical values for constant u
C.4 Temperature difference from bundle surface to bundle centre (Tth)
C.4.1 Model formulae
C.4.2 Typical values for constant th
29 C.5 Temperature variation within the bundle (T(x))
C.6 Alternative presentation of the model
BSI PD CLC/TR 50174-99-1:2015