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ASCE PublicSafetyGuidanceforUrbanStormwaterFacilities 2014


Public Safety Guidance for Urban Stormwater Facilities

Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
ASCE 2014 120
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“Sponsored by the Urban Water Resources Research Council of the Environmental and Water Resources Institute of ASCE; American Planning Association; American Public Works Association; American Society of Landscape Architects; American Water Resources Association; National Association of Flood and Stormwater Management Agencies; and Water Environment Federation. Public Safety Guidance for Urban Stormwater Facilities provides guidance for reducing risks from safety hazards at facilities managing urban stormwater. People like to be around water and may not recognize the possible dangers of retention ponds, open channels, closed culverts, or other features associated with stormwater drainage, water quality control, or low-impact development. Although it is impractical, if not impossible, to achieve zero risk at stormwater management facilities, steps can be taken to promote public safety. This guidance, developed under the auspices of seven professional associations, provides a framework for integrating protection of the public into the planning, design, operation, and maintenance of stormwater facilities. It describes factors that should be considered in selecting measures and recommends practices than can be used generally or in specific cases. Guidance is provided on such topics as safety evaluations, prioritizing hazards, safeguarding children, fencing, and mosquito control. Appendixes include bibliographies of relevant publications accompanied by key extracts, as well as a gallery of photographs and selection of conceptual design drawings. Engineers, landscape architects, land planners, stormwater professionals, and government officials will find this guidance to be a handy, concise overview of potential hazards at stormwater management facilities and of measures that can be taken to protect public safety.”

PDF Catalog

PDF Pages PDF Title
1 Cover
4 Contents
6 Contributors
8 Preface
10 1.0 Purpose and Overall Perspective
14 2.0 Background and Scope of Guidance
2.1 Representative Facilities Addressed
2.2 Scope of Guidance
16 2.3 Examples of Safety Hazards
20 3.0 Recommendations for Integrating Public Safety into Stormwater Facility Planning, Design, Operation, and Maintenance
3.1 Factors Affecting Approach to Public Safety Protection
21 3.2 Practices for Protecting Public Safety at Urban Stormwater Management Facilities
25 3.3 Additional Practices for Protecting Public Safety for Specific Categories of Urban Stormwater Facilities
36 4.0 Guidance for Specific Topics
4.1 Recommended Periodic Safety Evaluations and Comparing and Prioritizing Hazards
4.2 Special Considerations for Children
37 4.3 Considerations Regarding Fencing
38 4.4 Mosquito Control
39 4.5 Importance of Public Education and Communication
40 4.6 Public Education Regarding Flooding
4.7 Small Earthen Dams for Stormwater Impoundments
41 4.8 Miscellaneous Design and Maintenance Issues
44 5.0 Role and Responsibilities of Licensed Professional Engineers, Registered Land Planners and Landscape Architects, and Other Design Professionals
46 6.0 Conclusion and Recommendations
48 Appendix A: Representative Quotations Regarding Safety from Previous Publications of Cosponsors
62 Appendix B: Representative Quotations Regarding Safety from General Engineering and Landscape Architecture Literature
74 Appendix C: Representative Photographs Involving Public Safety Considerations and Approaches
102 Appendix D: Conceptual Design Drawings for Selected Facilities
114 References
118 Index
119 H
120 S
ASCE PublicSafetyGuidanceforUrbanStormwaterFacilities 2014