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IEEE 1641.1-2013


IEEE Guide for the Use of IEEE Std 1641, IEEE Standard for Signal and Test Definition

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IEEE 2013 324
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Revision Standard – Active. Guidance in the use of the signal and test definition (STD) standard, IEEE Std 1641-2010, is provided. IEEE Std 1641 provides the means to define and describe signals used in testing. This guide describes how to form complex signals usable across all test platforms.

PDF Catalog

PDF Pages PDF Title
1 IEEE Std 1641.1-2013 Front cover
3 Title page
6 Notice to users
Laws and regulations
Updating of IEEE documents
8 Participants
10 Introduction
11 Contents
15 Important notice

1. Overview
1.1 Scope
1.2 Purpose
16 2. Normative references
3. Definitions, acronyms, and abbreviations
3.1 Definitions
18 3.2 Acronyms and abbreviations
19 4. Introduction to IEEE Std 1641
4.1 Requirements for signal and test definition standard
20 4.2 Features of the standard
4.3 Hierarchy of signal definitions
22 4.4 Improvements to the standard
4.5 Signals and streams
25 4.6 Inclusion of support for Automatic Test Markup Language
5. Describing signals using IEEE Std 1641
5.1 Overview
27 5.2 Physical types
29 5.3 Signals
33 5.4 Using signal graphs to create a signal
37 5.5 Documenting signal descriptions
42 5.6 Using signal definitions
6. Signal models
6.1 General
43 6.2 TSF model as signal template
45 6.3 Typical signal model (TSF)
47 6.4 Using TSFs in a test requirement or program
48 6.5 Measurement models (signal measurement)
7. Defining measurements with STD
7.1 General
49 7.2 Sensors
54 7.3 Measurement maps
7.4 Intrinsic measurements
63 7.5 Generic measurement
67 7.6 Reference signals description
7.7 Different valid measurement methods
70 8. Describing tests and test requirements
8.1 Structure—sequence and signals
71 8.2 Using tools such as graphical environments
72 8.3 Portable test requirements
81 8.4 ATML Test Description
8.5 Examples of test requirements using TPL, ATLAS, and native languages
105 9. Basic signal components
9.1 Introduction of new BSCs
9.2 BSC interfaces
106 9.3 Diagrammatic representation of BSCs
107 9.4 SignalFunctions and events
120 10. Test signal framework
10.1 Introduction to test signal framework (TSF)
10.2 Building TSF signal models using BSCs
10.3 Examples of source signal models
128 10.4 Dual or multiple use TSF models
131 10.5 Signal models with preset internal attributes
135 10.6 Examples of signal models that process input signal
140 10.7 Example of signal models that include connection BSCs
143 10.8 SignalDelay TSF model for SWEEP
144 10.9 TSF model for linear sweep using frequency modulation BSC
145 10.10 TSF model for logarithmic sweep using FM BSC
146 10.11 TSF attributes mappings and formulae
148 10.12 Synchronization of signal model
156 10.13 Gating a signal model
159 10.14 Use of XML to specify TSF signal model information
168 10.15 Use of IDL to specify TSF signal model information
172 11. Digital signals
11.1 Possible states for digital stream
173 11.2 Generating a digital stream
174 11.3 Converting digital data into a physical digital signal
179 11.4 Using the SelectCase BSC
182 11.5 Extracting digital data from a physical digital signal
12. More about events and their interaction
12.1 Interaction between streams
187 12.2 Recovering event information from digital streams
188 13. Test Procedure Language
13.1 Introduction to TPL
189 13.2 Simple test requirement in TPL
197 13.3 Further test requirement in TPL
205 13.4 Examples of test statements in TPL
214 13.5 Quantities, units, and unit symbols
215 14. Signal Modeling Language
14.1 Introduction to SML
216 14.2 Using SML to define a BSC
222 Annex A (informative) Glossary
224 Annex B (informative) Intrinsic measurement
B.1 Introduction
B.2 Essential aspects and parts of a measurement
228 B.3 Interpreting measurement information
229 B.4 Examples showing breakdown of derivation of attributes
236 B.5 Creating IEEE 1641 measurements for legacy ATLAS systems
240 Annex C (informative) Generic measurement
C.1 Introduction
C.2 Information required to complete a measurement
241 C.3 Interpreting measurement information
242 C.4 Examples showing breakdown of derivation of attributes
248 C.5 Creating IEEE 1641 measurements for legacy ATLAS systems
250 C.6 Dependence upon reference signal
254 C.7 Measurements on a complex signal (square wave)
256 Annex D (informative) Role of Resource Adapter Information (RAI) in IEEE Std 1641
D.1 Introduction
D.2 Maximizing the platform independence of test requirements
257 D.3 Interpreting the principles and rules
258 D.4 Test requirement presentation
259 Annex E (informative) Understanding IEEE 1641 capabilities
E.1 How to define and connect loads
269 E.2 Implementing short circuits in IEEE 1641
270 E.3 Signals and triggering
275 Annex F (informative) Implementation of IEEE 1641 application techniques
F.1 Implementing IEEE 1641—RF stimulus and measurement
284 F.2 Implementing IEEE 1641—Amplifier characterization using IEEE 1641
296 F.3 Implementing IEEE 1641—Envelope testing of waveforms
306 F.4 Implementing IEEE 1641—Resource drivers and COTS languages
315 F.5 Implementing IEEE 1641—Compilation techniques
323 Annex G (informative) Bibliography
IEEE 1641.1-2013