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BS EN ISO 14024:2018


Environmental labels and declarations. Type I environmental labelling. Principles and procedures

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BSI 2018 24
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This document establishes the principles and procedures for developing Type I environmental labelling programmes, including the selection of product categories, product environmental criteria and product function characteristics, and for assessing and demonstrating compliance. This document also establishes the certification procedures for awarding the label.

PDF Catalog

PDF Pages PDF Title
2 National foreword
4 European foreword
7 Foreword
8 Introduction
9 1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
11 4 Objective of Type I environmental labelling
5 Principles
5.1 Voluntary nature of the programme
5.2 Relationship with ISO 14020
12 5.3 Use of ecolabels
5.4 Life cycle consideration
5.5 Selectivity
5.6 Product environmental criteria
5.6.1 Life cycle considerations
5.6.2 Basis of criteria
5.7 Product function characteristics
5.8 Validity of programme requirements
5.8.1 Period of validity
13 5.8.2 Review period
5.9 Consultation
5.10 Compliance and verification
5.11 Data quality
5.12 Transparency
14 5.13 Accessibility
5.14 Scientific basis of product environmental criteria
5.15 Avoidance of conflict of interest
5.16 Competence of verifiers
5.17 Costs and fees
5.18 Confidentiality
5.19 Mutual recognition
15 6 Procedures
6.1 General
6.2 Consultation with interested parties
6.3 Selection of product categories
6.3.1 Conducting a feasibility study
16 6.3.2 Proposal for product category
6.4 Selection and development of product environmental criteria
6.4.1 Selection of product environmental criteria
6.4.2 Development of product environmental criteria
17 6.5 Selection of product function characteristics
18 6.6 Reporting and publication
6.7 Implementation of modifications to the product environmental criteria
7 Certification and compliance
7.1 General
7.2 Basic concepts
7.2.1 General
19 7.2.2 General rules
7.2.3 Product environmental criteria and product function characteristics for each product category
7.3 Licensing
7.4 Procedures for assessing and demonstrating compliance
7.4.1 Basic principle
7.4.2 Supervision and control
20 7.4.3 Supporting documentation
7.4.4 Declarations of conformity
7.4.5 Verification
7.5 Compliance monitoring
21 7.6 Protection of the label
22 Bibliography
BS EN ISO 14024:2018