BS 7858:2012
Security screening of individuals employed in a security environment. Code of practice
Published By | Publication Date | Number of Pages |
BSI | 2012 | 34 |
This British Standard gives recommendations for the security screening of individuals to be employed in an environment where the security and/or safety of people, goods and services, personal data or property is a requirement of the employing organization’s operations and/or where such security screening is in the public and/or corporate interest.
NOTE 1 “Property” includes intellectual and physical property as well as cash and valuables.
NOTE 2 See Home Affairs Committee First Report: The Private Security Industry Volume 1 [1].
NOTE 3 Some insurers require BS 7858 as a part of the policy conditions and may have additional requirements for screening, e.g. a longer security screening period.
This British Standard applies equally to all individuals in relevant employment (see 2.8), including full-time and part-time employees, sole traders, partnerships, temporary and permanent employees, and to all levels of seniority, including directors. The objective of security screening is to obtain sufficient information to enable organizations to make an informed decision on employing an individual in a security environment.
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