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BS 3882:2007


Specification for topsoil and requirements for use

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BSI 2007 26
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3 Contents
Introduction 1
1 Scope 2
2 Normative references 2
3 Terms and definitions 2
4 Topsoil classification and characteristics 4
5 Use and handling of topsoil 5
Annex A (normative) Determination of the extractable phosphate content 10
Annex B (normative) Extraction of the exchangeable cations in soil 13
Annex C (normative) Calculation of exchangeable sodium percentage of soil 15
Annex D (normative) Determination of phytotoxic contaminants and trace elements 16
Annex E (normative) Supplier’s declaration of compliance 17
Annex F (normative) Method for laboratory density of soil 19
Annex G (normative) Method for preparing a laboratory sample of air-dried soil 20
Bibliography 21
List of figures
Figure 1 – Textural classification (limiting percentage of sand, silt and clay sized particles for the mineral texture class) 9
List of tables
Table 1 – Topsoil characteristics 6
4 Foreword
5 Introduction
6 1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
3.1 topsoil
3.2 natural topside
7 3.3 manufactured topsoil
3.4 subsoil
3.5 soil texture
3.6 soil structure
3.7 soil organic matter
3.8 soil pH value
3.9 available plant nutrient content
3.10 soil electrical conductivity
3.11 carbon:nitrogen ratio
8 3.12 soil contaminant
3.13 visible contaminant
3.14 sharp
3.15 coarse fragment
3.16 soil source
4 Topsoil classification and characteristics
4.1 Classification
a) Multipurpose topsoil
b) Specific purpose topsoil
1) Acidic.
2) Calcareous.
3) Low fertility.
4) Low fertility acidic.
5) Low fertility calcareous.
9 4.2 4.2 Characteristics
5 Use and handling of topsoil
5.1 Sourcing topsoil
5.2 Declaration of compliance
5.3 Sampling and analysis
10 Table 1 Topsoil characteristics
11 5.4 Handling
5.5 Storage
12 5.6 Preparation of the receptor site and spreading
13 Figure 1 Textural classification (limiting percentage of sand, silt and clay sized particles for the mineral texture class)
14 Annex A (normative) Determination of the extractable phosphate content
A.1 General
A.2 Principle
A.3 Reagents
15 A.4 Apparatus
A.5 Procedure
A.5.1 Test portion and preparation of test solution
A.5.2 Blank test
16 A.5.3 Preparation of standard graph
A.5.4 Determination
17 A.6 Calculation and expression of results
A.7 Test report
a) a complete identification of the sample;
b) a reference to this British Standard, i.e. BS 3882:2007;
c) the results expressed in accordance with A.6;
d) any unusual features noticed during the determination;
e) any operation not included in this method or regarded as optional.
Annex B (normative) Extraction of the exchangeable cations in soil
B.1 General
B.2 Principle
B.3 Reagents
B.4 Apparatus
18 B.5 Procedure
B.5.1 Preparation of test sample
B.5.2 Blank extraction
B.5.3 Determination
B.6 Calculation and expression of results
B.7 Test report
a) a complete identification of the sample;
b) a reference to this British Standard, i.e. BS 3882:2007;
c) the results expressed in accordance with B.6;
d) any unusual features noticed during the determination;
e) any operation not included in this method or regarded as optional.
19 Annex C (normative) Calculation of exchangeable sodium percentage of soil
C.1 General
C.2 Principle
20 C.3 Calculation and expression of results
Annex D (normative) Determination of phytotoxic contaminants and trace elements 1)
D.1 Sample preparation
D.2 Microwave conditions
D.3 Testing
21 Annex E (normative) Supplier’s declaration of compliance
23 Annex F (normative) Method for laboratory density of soil
F.1 General
F.2 Principle
F.3 Apparatus
F.4 Procedure
24 Annex G (normative) Method for preparing a laboratory sample of air-dried soil
G.1 General
G.2 Sample preparation
25 Bibliography
[1] NELSON, D. W., and L. E. SOMMERS. Total carbon, organic carbon and organic matter. Methods of soil analysis Part 3 Chemical …
[2] ENVIRONMENT AGENCY. Contaminated Land Exposure Assessment (CLEA).
[3] ENVIRONMENT AGENCY. Performance Standard for Laboratories Undertaking Chemical Testing of Soil, Version 3. Environment Agency, March 2006.
[4] MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE, FISHERIES & FOOD/ AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT & ADVISORY SERVICE. The analysis of agricultural materials. MAFF/ADAS Reference Book 427. Third edition. London: The Stationery Office, 1986.
[5] LOVELAND, P.J. Electrical conductivity, salts and soils. Landscape Design. 1990, 188, 33-35.
[6] LAMBKIN D. et al. NRM Standard Operating Procedures, HORIZONTAL WP2: Towards producing harmonised methods, with quantified precision, for sampling sludges, treated biowastes and soils in the landscape, 2004.
BS 3882:2007