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MD BaltimoreCity 5 N/A


Zoning Code of Baltimore City (As Last Amended By Ord. 12-040)

Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
MD N/A 505
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PDF Pages PDF Title
3 Table of Titles & Subtitles
23 Title 1. Gen’l Provisions
Sub 1. Definitions
54 Sub 2. Rules of Construction
58 Sub 3. Measurements, etc.
60 Sub 4. Purposes; Short Title
61 Title 2. Adm’n; Authorizations
Sub 1. Gen’l Administration
68 Sub 2. Districts, Maps, etc.
72 Sub 3. Authorizations
75 Sub 4. Use Permits
77 Sub 5. Transfer Certificates
80 Sub 6. Time Limitations
83 Title 3. Gen’l Rules
Sub 1. Use Regulations
87 Sub 2. Bulk Regulations
94 Sub 3. Other Regulations
101 Title 3A. Open-Space Districts
109 Title 4. Residence Districts
Sub 1. Overview; Gen’l Req’ts
113 Sub 2. R-1 Single-Family
122 Sub 3. R-1A Single-Family
125 Sub 4. R-1B Single-Family
128 Sub 5. R-2 General
131 Sub 6. R-3 Single-Family
134 Sub 7. R-4 General
137 Sub 8. R-5 General
141 Sub 9. R-6 General
145 Sub 10. R-7 General
150 Sub 11. R-8 General
155 Sub 12. R-9 General
160 Sub 13. R-10 General
165 Title 5. Office-Residence Districts
Sub 1. Overview; Gen’l Req’ts
168 Sub 2. O-R District
177 Title 6. Business Districts
Sub 1. Overview; Gen’l Req’ts
180 Sub 2. B-1 Neighborhood
192 Sub 3. B-2 Community
204 Sub 4. B-3 Community
214 Sub 5. B-4 Central
220 Sub 6. B-5 Central
225 Title 7. Industrial Districts
Sub 1. Overview; Gen’l Req’ts
227 Sub 2. M-1 Industrial
238 Sub 3. M-2 Industrial
249 Sub 4. M-3 Industrial
257 Title 8. Overlay Districts
Sub 1. Public Use Overlay
259 Sub 2. Flood Plain Overlay
264 Sub 3. Critical Area Overlay
275 Sub 4. Maritime Ind’l Overlay
278 Sub 5. Inclusionary Housing Overlay
279 Title 9. Planned Unit Dev’ts
Sub 1. Overview; Gen’l Req’ts
288 Sub 2. Residential PUDs
292 Sub 3. O-R PUDs
295 Sub 4. Business PUDs
299 Sub 5. Industrial PUDs
301 Title 10. Off-Street Parking
Sub 1. Definitions; Overview
303 Sub 2. Scope; Applicability
306 Sub 3. Gen’l Req’ts
312 Sub 4. Required Spaces
322 Sub 5. Parking Lot Districts
326 Sub 6. Special-Event Parking
327 Title 11. Signs
Sub 1. Definitions; Overview
331 Sub 2. Gen’l Req’ts
336 Sub 2A. Open-Space Districts
340 Sub 3. In R & O-R Districts
346 Sub 4. In B & M Districts
Sub 5. Nonconformance
359 Title 12. Performance Standards
Sub 1. Overview
361 Sub 2. Noise
364 Sub 3. Vibrations
366 Sub 4. Smoke, etc.
368 Sub 5. Toxic Matter
369 Sub 6. Odorous Matter
370 Sub 7. Glare
371 Title 13. Nonconformance
Sub 1. Definitions; Overview
374 Sub 2. Nonconf’g Uses: Land
377 Sub 3. Nonconf’g Structures
381 Sub 4. Nonconf’g Uses: Structure
385 Sub 5. Noncomplying Structures
390 Sub 6. Status of Certain Uses
396 Sub 7. Modifications; Continuances
403 Title 14. Conditional Uses
Sub 1. Overview; Gen’l Req’ts
405 Sub 2. Procedures; Considerations
409 Sub 3. Certain Uses
418 Sub 4. Gas Stations
421 Sub 5. Suspension, Revocation, etc.
423 Title 15. Variances
Sub 1. Overview
424 Sub 2. Auth’d Variances; Req’d Findings
430 Sub 3. Procedures
433 Title 16. Legislative Auth’ns, etc.
Sub 1. Definitions; Scope
434 Sub 2. Special Req’ts
436 Sub 3. Referrals; Req’d Findings
438 Sub 4. Council Action
443 Title 17. Enforcement; Penalties
Sub 1. Action by Adm’r
445 Sub 2. Administrative Appeals
447 Sub 3. Judicial Review
449 Sub 4. Civil Citations
450 Sub 5. Criminal Penalties
453 Table of Uses
MD BaltimoreCity 5 N/A